Celebrating Six Months of PowerSheets Wins

Celebrating Six Months of PowerSheets Wins

As goal setters, we spend so much time looking forward: to a big-picture vision for our life, to our goals, and even to our plans for the month, week, or day ahead. It’s equally important, though, to pause and celebrate what we've already accomplished: if you're only looking ahead, it's easy to get discouraged. If we don't feel like our efforts are adding up, we won't be motivated to continue them. If we DO notice them adding up, we'll be motivated to do MORE of them! The parts of our life we're proud of are way more likely to get attention. What we celebrate, grows!

And that's what this Mid-Year Refresh week is all about! Today, we're sharing some of the goal wins from the first half of this year from Team Cultivate and the PowerSheets® community. We'd love for you to add yours in the comments! 


"I started running again post-partum, consistently, and ran in a 10k!" — Amanda

"I’ve been trying to slow down, so I’ve started making sure I see the sunrise or sunset every day." — Casey

"I’ve made major strides in going from 3 workouts per week to 4!  I’ve also been making more space in my evenings for reading and am really enjoying it." — Courtney

"I am celebrating all of the little checks on my Tending List beside “Have some fun!”  This year, one of my goals was to intentionally pursue joy over productivity, so I have hiked a few mountains, taken some art classes, read all the romcoms, taught my dog to play dead when I point at him and say “Bang! Bang!” and many other “useless” pursuits that were very not-useless to my heart!" — Kelley

"One of my 2022 goals was to return to in-person worship, and we’ve made lots of progress!  We started attending our new church regularly in February and have since gotten plugged into a small group, made friends, and started serving in different ways. It feels so good to be back in community!" — Emily

"I’ve really been working to cultivate local friendships this year. I’ve been intentional about opening my home to new friends a couple of times a month.  This may be natural for a lot of people, but for this introvert and new mom, it’s progress I’m really celebrating!" — Alli

"My husband and I hit a major goal on a DIY kitchen renovation. It's been a challenge, but we finally have a beautiful space with countertops and a stove!" — Marissa

"I set a yearly Finish Line goal of finishing 22 books, and I'm almost at 30!" Shai

"One of my goals for 2022 was to go from a casual position at the hospital to a permanent part-time position. This goal was officially accomplished on May 16, 2022."  Carolyn

"Two goal wins so far: 1) finding a home church and 2) beginning the process to do our estate plan."  Pat

"Got my first sale from my online shop!"  Lindsey

"This year, I began writing again. I restarted an email list I had neglected, and lost 25 pounds (super excited about that!). My greatest challenge is learning to believe in myselfit's always been my biggest obstacle. However, one step at a time, one small goal achieved, I am believing for a vision yet to come!" — DeAnna

"My big goal was to grow my business this year. Since January, I've gotten 12 new project management and real estate clients and completed my business plan. For my side baking passion, I had the opportunity to have my desserts on the menu at a local restaurant." — D

"One of my big goals is to learn how to handle my finances. I was never taught how. I have read two financial books this year that have helped me brainstorm ideas for myself...This has been a VERY hard goal for me to make progress on, but I finally feel like I am getting somewhere!"  Annette

We’ve seen first-hand the impact that intentional goal setting and little-by-little progress have had on so many women’s lives over the years.  If you are looking for a tool to better help you cultivate what matters, sign up for our 90-Day PowerSheets waitlist, and keep your eyes out for our 2023 PowerSheets launch in October!

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Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas is Cultivate What Matters' Content Strategist and Writer. With over a decade at Cultivate, Emily loves helping women uncover what matters, set good goals, and live them out with joy. Her free time is spent with her high-school-sweetheart husband and three young kiddos.