As we count down the days to the 2025 launch, here's something you might be wondering: what is the cost of PowerSheets®?
It's a valid question, and one we have a ready answer for—$64.
But underneath that question about sticker price is another one, one that's not so straightforward. As you consider buying a goal planner for the year ahead, you might really be wondering what it will cost you. What will it require of you? What will it ask of you? Will you have what it takes?
These are great questions, and we're so glad you're asking them. You're not alone! Because the truth is, using PowerSheets to go after your goals will cost you something, even beyond the price tag of your planner:
- It will cost you time—time to get clear on what really matters by completing your Prep Work, time to set your goals and make a plan, and time to check in on your Tending List each month.
- It will cost you energy and effort—the hard work of taking the next best step, one day at a time.
- And it will cost you comfort—the comfort of staying the same and feeling safe.
Let's take a look at those one by one.

The cost of time:
Your life is full. If you're like many of the women in this community, you're high-achieving and purposeful, with responsibilities to your job, family, friends, and community. And of course, at a minimum, you have the daily work of tending to your spaces, making sure you eat three times a day, and getting enough sleep. (Whew!)
The truth, though, is that we make time for what matters.
Some of you just let out an audible groan of frustration (yes, we heard it from here). We get it—squeezing anything else into your schedule feels impossible!
The tough love truth, though, is that our actions—our choices—are always adding up to something: the question is whether they're moving us toward where we want to be in the big picture. If your schedule is already packed, making time for your goals might require taking something away.
Maybe something immediately comes to mind that could be removed, or maybe you balk at the idea that anything could budge. For the vast majority of us, though, it's possible to find two hours at the beginning of the year, 20 minutes at the beginning of each each month, and 15 minutes each day that we could reapportion to working on our goals.
The cost of energy and effort:
Uncovering what matters? Breaking things down? Making a plan? Checking off boxes? It all seems like a lot of work and, honestly, too complicated to even take a closer look at. Maybe you're thinking there's no way you'd be able to figure it all out.
Good news: the PowerSheets® process is simple and straightforward, and it's been put to use by everyone from 13-year-olds to 73-year olds :) You definitely don't need to be a goal-setting expert to set or achieve goals—mostly, you just need a willingness to believe in the process and try something new.
And we'll be with you each step of the way! It's our official guarantee, and we take it seriously. The PowerSheets are like a coach in your pocket, guiding and empowering you as you move through each step, and the blog and Cultivate community are full of wisdom, encouragement, and practical help, too.
The cost of comfort:
Maybe you're thinking, my goals really matter to me. They feel high-stakes, and sometimes, it just feels easier not to try at all rather than risk trying and failing.
Friend, the PowerSheets are designed for imperfect progress. There's a reason why "progress, not perfection" is the phrase Cultivators latch on to with more enthusiasm than almost any other! You'll find incredible freedom when you begin believing that not every step of your goal-setting process has to be perfect. You'll be free to just START! (Which is something too many people never do!)
And once you take those first few tentative steps, you'll begin to see that there is true beauty in trying, making a mistake, correcting, trying something new—and doing it all over and over again. As long as your efforts are pointed in the right direction, you'll soon see that even mistakes are simply part of the process of getting there.
No one is perfect, and no goal has ever been perfectly achieved. Progress, not perfection!

The reward of PowerSheets:
$64 is not an insignificant amount of money.
On the other hand, $64 is also about the cost of 15 coffees over the course of a year. (15 coffees! All year!)
Or, a year of living out what lasts: uncovering and organizing your priorities, simplifying your schedule, getting clarity on what matters to you, clearing away distractions, using your time with intention, and making real progress on goals that lead to a life of joy, contentment, and purpose.
(I know which one I'd choose, but I also don't drink coffee :))
The cost may be too high for you in this season, and we honor that. But if you’re willing to give goal setting with us a try, you’ll find that the rich rewards of a cultivated life far outweigh any cost in time, effort, or comfort:
- The satisfaction of spending your time well.
- The joy of deepening relationships.
- The purpose from impacting others through your work.
- And the delight of creating an everyday life you love — one that’s adding up to the legacy of a life well-lived.
Friends, we are already SO grateful for the women who are choosing PowerSheets® to walk alongside them next year. And if you're on the fence, know we'd consider it an honor and a privilege to be in your heart, mind, and hands as you move toward what matters most. Here's to the year ahead!
1 comment
The cost of the powersheets and accessories actually helps me save money. I also redo my whys mid year because my life changes so rapidly. I appreciate the flexibility, direction and prompts in the Power Sheets and I’ve accomplished much more, both long term and short term, over the years. BTW, I’m 76 – LOL.