How to Make a Tending List with PowerSheets

How to Make a Tending List with PowerSheets

You’ve finished the PowerSheets® Prep Work, created goals that are connected to what matters most to you, flip the page to your first Tending List… and you’re stuck.

How in the world do you break down those big goals into smaller action steps for your Tending List? How do you decide what to focus on each month? How do you create a Tending List with action steps connected to your goals, and not just another to-do list?

Today we're sharing our best tips for turning a blank page into a Tending List that will help you cultivate what matters all month long!

Don’t try to do it all at once.

Let's start here. I thought about calling this tip “easy, tiger,” because I know how it feels to be raring to go! You're feeding off the momentum of setting your best goals, and you’re ready to dive in and accomplish all the things! But that's a recipe for burnout! Pick just a few things - maybe one action step for each of your goals - and add more as you get in a groove.

Review your goals.

Whether it’s your first Tending List or your fiftieth, don’t lose sight of what you’re working towards! As you gather ideas, flip back to your goal action plans, yearly overview, and goal refresh sections (if applicable). Are there steps that fall into the current month or season? Great! Move them to the Brainstorm Your Month page (right across from your Tending List!).

Pay attention to what’s ahead.

The Prepare Well page in your monthly pages helps you know what’s on your calendar, important to dos, and things you’re excited about and want to celebrate in the coming months. Don’t stop at your personal paper or digital calendar. Be sure to check your significant other’s work calendar, your children’s school calendar, and birthdays and anniversaries for loved ones. Jot down important dates on your PowerSheets monthly calendar spread. 

Write all your ideas down.

Write out all you want to cultivate or accomplish this month on the Brainstorm Your Month page: goals you want to take action on, habits you want to grow, ways you’ll rest or recharge, and relationships you want to cultivate.


I know what you’re thinking! “But wait, you just told me to write it all down!” Once you’ve written everything you think you want to do this month on paper, it’s time to cut it down and focus on the most important things! Don’t be afraid to get messy–circle a priority, scratch things out, and highlight to your heart’s content to help you start to get a visual for what’s ahead. 

And remember: you don't need to fill in every line! Some months, you might have two daily goals, and others, you might fill in every slot!

Start each action step with a verb.

Once you’ve decided what’s going on your Tending List, start filling it in! Starting each of your goals with an action verb makes it less passive, and will give you a kick in the pants each time you read it!

Daily goals should be simple habits.

Think: things you want to cultivate in the month ahead: encourage someone, 64 ounces of water, afternoon walk, stretch before bed, pray.

Color-code to stay focused.

We’re excited our Goal-Setting Sticker Book includes color-coding tools to help you see progress on your yearly goals and remind you of where you’re going each month. Use these fun stickers or a highlighter to show you which goals you're spending your time on this month at a glance.

Don’t overthink it.

No one expects you to have perfect goals each and every month. After all, this is different than traditional goal setting. It’s grace-filled goal setting! Commit to daily tending. Our lives bloom through daily decisions and habits–not just the giant leaps made once in a while. Lean into the little-by-little progress, and be willing to celebrate all that you do accomplish in the coming weeks!

Put next month’s PowerSheets Prep Day on your PowerSheets calendar!

Team Cultivate uses the last week of each month to do our PowerSheets Prep Work. Whether you join us on that day or use a different one, go ahead and mark it in your calendar! 

Remember: the goal isn't a perfectly-checked-off list.

The goal is meaningful, little-by-little progress. You'll rarely finish a month with all the boxes checked off - sometimes, goals change or things don't get done. That's okay! The little by little adds up. 

PowerSheets Intentional Goal Planner Tending List Example

Were these tips helpful? What else would you add to this list? 
I’d love to hear from you in the comments!

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