Top Cultivate Blog Posts of 2019 + the Year in Review

Top Cultivate Blog Posts of 2019 + the Year in Review

Just like we encourage you to do in your PowerSheets® goal planner, it's important (and fun!) to linger on the good things from the year before moving forward. We're especially excited about all the things we—yes, that includes each of YOU—cultivated in 2019! Can you hear our cowbells? :)

Here are the most-loved blog posts from the Cultivate blog this year:

1. How to Free Up Time for What Matters Most — To have as much time as we need for the things we want, we must be ruthless about not filling our time with things that aren't a priority for us. This very practical post struck a chord as we all try make time for the things and people that matter most!

2. Two behind-the-scenes peeks/history lessons from our two signature products: What It Looks Like to Create a New Volume of Write the Word and Eight Years of PowerSheets! I get it — I'm curious, too :)

3. Are PowerSheets a Planner? — This was probably the most popular question of the year with the debut of monthly spreads (!), so it makes sense that it would be a popular blog post, too! We can't wait to see how you use these pages in 2020! 

4. Five case studies of women who are using their PowerSheets to uncover what matters, set goals, and live them out like this is the only life they've got: Rhi, Sarah, Nancy, Lashawn, and Liz! Can't wait to bring you more in 2020.

5. How to Choose the Right Write the Word Journal for You or a Friend — With 10 volumes under our belt, there's a perfect theme for everyone. This post will help you find it!

6. Two of the fun videos we shared this year. Don't miss our in-person PowerSheets delivery and our pint-size Research & Development team! :)

7. Five Things I've Loved About 10 Year of Cultivating What Matters — My own reflections on a decade doing this work. Y'all are the sweetest with your encouragement!

8. Our Favorite Cheap and Easy Date Nights — With the number of gals in this community who desire to grow in their closest relationship, I'm not surprised these 14 tips were a favorite! Here's to many more date nights in 2020!

9. Our Best Advice for College Grads — I love that PowerSheets work equally well for those beginning their careers and those closing them! Our team had fun putting together a few personal pieces of advice for the youngest members of this community. 

10. Goal Setting and the Enneagram  Our lighthearted take on goal ideas and goal-setting personalities by Enneagram Type had our teamand you!literally LOL-ing this year.

Last but certainly not least, we must give credit to the number one most popular blog from 2019Introducing the 2020 PowerSheets Intentional Goal Planners! Y'all wanted to see those covers, and we can't blame you :)

And now, please enjoy a few more facts and figures from our year together..

There's nothing magical about January 1st—now is the perfect time to get your PowerSheets Goal Planner and make 2020 your best year yet! It's going to be a great year together, and we are SO excited to cheer you on!

What is on your Good Things list? Or, is there a topic you'd like to see us cover on the Cultivate blog? We'd love to hear from you in the comments! 

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Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas is Cultivate What Matters' Content Strategist and Writer. With over a decade at Cultivate, Emily loves helping women uncover what matters, set good goals, and live them out with joy. Her free time is spent with her high-school-sweetheart husband and three young kiddos.

Cultivate What Matters Podcast

Dream big, plan well, and take action! The Fresh Start Goal Planner has powerful goal-setting pages plus space for your calendar and tasks.

Goal School

Write the Word® Love is back! Shop the newly-updated journal, which includes refreshed verses and journaling prompts, along with a lovely new linen cover.