Our Very Best PowerSheets Tip

Our Very Best PowerSheets Tip

We’re still celebrating Cultivate What Matters Week! Why? Did you know 50% of the US population sets goals or resolutions in January and by February 15th, half of them have given up on their goals! In light of that sobering statistic, I want to share the one piece of advice I recommend over and over again to our Cultivate family! You might be surprised to hear it…

Find a PowerSheets buddy to keep you accountable in making the little by little progress on your goals. Accountability is a game-changer! When someone emails me or leaves a comment on Instagram because they feel stuck on their goals, this is always where I start and what I tell them. It might seem scary at first, but I guarantee this pays off in the long run!

Feeling overwhelmed about how to find a buddy? No need to worry! Here are a few tips to help you get started in incorporating accountability into your goal-setting!


These are some lovely ladies from a Raleigh PowerSheets Power Group that have been meeting monthly for a few years to talk through their goals, thanks to one lady stepping out of her comfort zone and asking for accountability! Photo by Robyn Van Dyke.

Be the person who asks. Yes, getting over the fear of rejection is the first step! Whether you ask a local friend or someone in the PowerSheets Facebook Group, we can assure you it’s likely the person will be just as excited as you are to have a sounding board for their goals and some accountability!

Use technology to your advantage. The great thing about modern technology is we have a plethora of communication resources at our fingertips! From Skype to Facetime to Google Hangouts, it’s easy to connect with a long-distance friend. You’re not limited to your zip code!

Schedule it, and stick to it. Decide what schedule works best for you and your buddy, schedule it, and stick to it. Honor the commitment you made by showing up, even if you feel like you have no progress to report. We’re sure you’ve accomplished more than you think because the little by little adds up! If anything, having a fresh set of eyes will help you feel encouraged by what you’ve done and refocus on what is still left!

Find a group (or groups!) that fit your interests and season of life on the Cultivate What Matters site! Click “Groups” at the top of the page and you’ll see all the options! If you want to see what else you can do on the new CWM site, Nicole explained everything for you.

Like the Cultivate What Matters manifesto says, “we believe in growing together, in blooming where we’ve been planted, and in helping others do the same.” Know you are not alone, friends! The Cultivate Team is cheering you on!

How do you stay accountable with your goals? We’d love to hear from you below in the comments!

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