Happy Cultivate What Matters Week!

Happy Cultivate What Matters Week!

Yes, it’s Valentine’s week, but we made up another holiday that we’re all pretty pumped about!

First, a few facts. Did you know February is statistically the month that gym membership attendance goes down, and fast food consumption goes up? Makes you think, doesn’t it? The forward momentum of January can leave us burned out and feeling guilty for not starting the new year as well as we had hoped. (Are you feeling that?)

Here’s what happens: 50% of the US population sets goals or resolutions in January. Come February 15th, half of those people have given up or forgotten about their goals completely.


But, not us.

Not you.

Not the Cultivate community.

No matter how imperfect our progress has been so far, we are not caving.

Why? We get to make a choice, and we are choosing to flip this statistic on its head together. We are Cultivating What Matters!

Here’s what you can expect this week:

  • We’ll be sharing what’s new on the Cultivate What Matters site
  • Emily’s best tips for setting goals with your significant other
  • Stories from women who have been cultivating what matters in their lives long before having PowerSheets in hands
  • The goal-setting tip I recommend more than anything else when I respond to social comments, emails or phone calls. (Here’s a hint: it might surprise you!)
  • And much more!

We’ve written a new manifesto to remind us that intentional living is possible, and the imperfect and little by little progress that we all make together grows good things over time. Get it delivered right to your inbox!


Ready to get started?

  • Preorder your 2017 PowerSheetsPowerSheets preorders will ship by late May, but you can start today with Lara’s Goal-Setting Series. You don’t need PowerSheets in hand to cultivate what matters.
  • Follow us on social media and join the conversation this week. We’ll be posting prompts and questions to get us talking about how we’re taking the next step to make our little by little progress a reality!
  • Need some help getting motivated? Start here.
  • Print your Cultivate What Matters Manifesto  and hang it somewhere you will see it each and every day!
  • Eliminate the excess to make room for what matters, like the endless scrolling and comparison. Try starting with a social media-free weekend (or day). Check out our favorite tips to make this a reality!
  • Share on social media using the hashtag #CultivateWhatMatters, and tell us how you are cultivating what matters this week!

It’s your turn! Are you joining us in cultivating what matters little by little this week? If so, leave us a comment and let us know!

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