We're Passing You the Pen

We're Passing You the Pen

Welcome to Launch Week, friends.

After more than a year of hard work by the Cultivate teama year in which we were cheered on by this community every step of the wayit’s finally here. This week, thousands of women around the world will say yes to creating a life they loveright where they are, with what they havein the year ahead.

As a small but mighty business, this week is everything. And on the eve of launch, I wanted to pull back the curtain and share a bit more about the last few months from my perspective.

Team Cultivate with 2025 PowerSheets

If we haven’t met yet, hiI’m Jessica. Since April, I’ve had the honor and privilege of leading the five gals and one guy on Team Cultivate. (Yesthere’s now a man on Team CWM! I know, it’s strange, but we’re so grateful for Dale, and we know you’ll love him, too!)

Adding a gent to the team is just one tiny example of the change we’ve been through in the last few months, however. In fact, since I arrived, my rally cry for Team Cultivate has been to challenge everything. What needs to be clarified, eliminated, or reinvented in each one of our roles, processes, and products? As we asked these questions, we dusted off one of the original CWM mottos“make it better”and applied it ruthlessly to everything we could.

We’re still over here challenging everything, but we’ve come a long way since April. We have a clear strategy and a bold mission (to see every woman living on purpose!). Our processes are more efficient. We each have clarity about our roles. In some cases, we’ve returned to beloved ways of doing things, and in others, we’ve tried things we’ve never done before. And it’s been my joy to connect with Lara along the way, learning from Cultivate’s founder and incorporating her hopes and dreams into our future, too.

At times, challenging everything has been hard. It’s been discouraging and slow. (It’s usually painful to face the places that need change, isn’t it?) There has been a lot of imperfect progress.

But one thing has kept us going throughout this year, and that’s our why: you. 

Team Cultivate What Matters at work

We know that each woman cultivating what matters brings life, joy, and beauty into the world. Each woman cultivating what matters changes things, right here and right now, in her life and in the lives of the people she loves. Each woman cultivating what matters has the potential to change generations.

That’s worth challenging everything.

But maybe the life of a goal setter feels far away. Maybe you’re afraid of failing, or of having enough time, or of feeling even more overwhelmed. Maybe picking up a PowerSheets® goal planner or a Season by Season® planner sounds a little bit like challenging everything, and that’s scary.

Lean in a little closer, nowI’ve felt that way, too. In fact, the entire team at Cultivate has felt that way at some point or anothersometimes multiple times in a week! 

Here’s the good news (are you leaning in?): you’re not alone. Our guarantee is that we’ll be with you each step of the way, and that hasn’t changed. Sometimes, you just need a coach at your back, with the right tip or tool at just the right time. Sometimes, you just need a friend on the sidelines cheering you on. Before you believe it for yourself, we’ll gladly believe it for you.

Because here’s one more thing our year of challenging everything has uncovered: as a company, as a team, we are relentlessly hopeful

We are optimistic, not cynical.
We believe that goal setting can be life giving instead of guilt-inducing.
We believe there is power in imperfect progress.
We believe that any day can be a fresh start.

Team Cultivate at the photo shoot

Any year can be a fresh start, too. Maybe you’ve used PowerSheets for many years (thank you!!), or maybe you’ve taken a break in the last few years. Maybe you’ve never used PowerSheets and are on the fence. Here’s my invitation to you: join us. Pick up a pen and step courageously into a new season of setting and achieving goals that matter. We’d be honored and grateful to walk alongside you.

With love,
Jessica (and Team Cultivate)

1 comment

Are you all moving away from faith products? The write the word journals are my main draw to cultivate. I have recommended you to many people and given these for graduation gifts. It would be very disappointing to see you abandon this part of your product line. I was hoping to see a grief faith based journal and more expansion. However it feels like this is a less emphasized part of the business now?

Emily Harris

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