Spring Refresh Resources: What We're Reading to Cultivate Our Goals

Spring Refresh Resources: What We're Reading to Cultivate Our Goals

by: Emily Thomas

Raise your hand if you've gotten a dose of fresh perspective these last few weeks.

The first PowerSheets® Goal Refresh couldn't come at a better time, could it? Whether you're pivoting your goals in light of COVID-19 or digging deeper than you ever thought was possible with extra time on your hands, we've heard from so many of you that this purposeful pause in your PowerSheets is a welcome opportunity to assess what's working (and what's not), set new mini-goals, and adjust your focus for the three months to come.

There's a lot to look forward to* as we dive into the Refresh together, but today, we wanted to share with you a few books on our team's collective nightstand. From non-fiction that's helping move our goals forward to light-hearted fiction helping us rest at the end of the day, here are a few books we're loving right now—and we'd love to hear yours!

* PSST! You asked, and we're delivering! Two new products are available in the shop for ONE WEEK ONLY (Monday, March 30—Sunday, April 5)!! It's so clear that they were made to help you live out what matters in this season, and we can't wait to get them in your hands. 

 How to Raise a Wild Child 
Picked by: Emily, Chief of Staff
She says: "My family has a goal to spend much more time outside this year, and this book has such practical and doable suggestions to help us do that."

Book: Sacred Marriage 
Picked by: Mackenzie, Customer Delight Associate
She says: "I'm getting married later this year and reading this to help us start on a firm foundation!"

Book: Write the Word | Cultivate Hope
Picked by: Lara, Founder and Chief Goal Coach
She says: "Does Write the Word count as a book? :) This particular volume has been so helpful as I end this day in this season."

Book: Dining In
Picked by: Meg, Marketing Coordinator
She says: "This cookbook is feeding my creativity! The recipes are inventive while still very approachable. Perfect for our date nights in!"

Book: The Moment of Lift
Picked by: Madeline, Director of Finance and Operations
She says: "This book was incredibly eye-opening and ultimately, empowering. It made me think differently about my own work day-to-day."

Bonus! A few fun fiction titles we're loving: The Huntress, Z: A Novel of Zelda Fitzgerald, Such a Fun Age, Everything Happens for a Reason, Long Bright River, Becoming Mrs. Lewis, How to Walk Away, and My Glory Was I Had Such Friends.

Tell us: what are you reading right now, and would you recommend it? Have you read anything connected to your goals this year?

P.S. Now is the perfect time to get your own set of PowerSheets! With our overwhelm-free process, you'll grow new habits and set goals that help you thrive right now, right where you are. Our six-month sets are undatedstart anytime! We recommend the Starter Bundle to help you live out what matters in this season!  



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Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas is Cultivate What Matters' Content Strategist and Writer. With over a decade at Cultivate, Emily loves helping women uncover what matters, set good goals, and live them out with joy. Her free time is spent with her high-school-sweetheart husband and three young kiddos.