My Word of the Year | Valerie Woerner

My Word of the Year | Valerie Woerner

We’re excited to introduce the “My Word of the Year” series here on the PowerSheets Community Site! This series will feature PowerSheets users and will take a look into their PowerSheets Prep, their Word of the Year, and how they’ve implemented it into their lives so far. Who better to kick us off this new series than Valerie Woerner of Val Marie Paper? Valerie has such a gift for putting her heart into words and sharing her journey to finding margin. Let’s dive right in to her interview!

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Hi! Tell us who you are and what fires you up:
Hi! I’m Valerie Woerner. I’m a Shop Owner of Val Marie Paper and Author of The Finishing School.

I get fired up by:

  • Books and learning
  • Porch time
  • Chat time with my husband
  • Passion tea
  • Giggling with Vivi
  • Minimalism
  • The simple life
  • Focused prayer time
  • Giving and serving
  • A tidy space
  • Grasping the Word


If you could envision your most fulfilling year yet, what would it look like?
Lots of giving. This hasn’t always been my heart, but my husband, who is super generous, has inspired me a ton in this area. I feel blessed to have what I have and want to bless others with what God has entrusted to me.

What is your word for this year?
My word for this year is small. I have learned that although success and attention is nice, ultimately, I want point others to Jesus instead of myself.

How have you implemented ‘small’ into your life so far this year?
Much of it has been placed on me. Being 32 weeks pregnant has me slowing down quite a bit and enjoying the small moments of my day, something I fought pretty hard a few months ago, but now I see what God is calling me to, especially in this season.

What are you saying yes to this year?
Patience/The Hard Work/The Compound Effect. Simply knowing things take time and what I do 25 times a month is going to be more effective than what I do five times a month.

And, what are you saying no to?
Talk radio. I got in the habit of listening last year and especially with the presidential election getting closer, it would leave me feeling so frustrated and tense. I pretty much just pray or listen to KLove now and it’s doing wonders!

Where do you want to be when you’re 80?
When I’m 80, I want to be content and at peace, having given generously and loved others selflessly.

Thank you for sharing, Valerie! We’re cheering you on as you pursue “small” this year!

You can read more about Valerie’s 2016 Goals here.  @valmariepaper

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