Introducing the Cultivate What Matters Summer Collection!

Introducing the Cultivate What Matters Summer Collection!

Planting seeds doesn’t lead to overnight results—legacies are built with time and little by little action. As we sit on the edge of summer, we know many of you are itching for a restart button:

You want to stop the mindless scrolling.

You want to speak kinder words to your children.

You want to invest in your faith so that it becomes deep and life giving.

You want to make time for taking care of your body.

You want to steward your finances in a way that not only provides for you, but allows you to give generously to others, too.

You want a chance to wipe the slate clean.

These things are possible. And they’re not about doing more or being more. They’re not about striving for perfection, or having it all together. But they do require a new path and a new plan.

Let’s grow the right things. Let’s grow what we’ve been given, right where we are. Let’s grow what lasts longer than us. And let’s grow together!

Since launching our 2018 PowerSheets in October and selling out in January, our team has been counting down the days until we have Six-Month PowerSheets in hand again. They are FINALLY here!

Then PowerSheets Goal Planner is perfect for women in every stage of life, every role, and every season. PowerSheets work, and you’re going to feel the impact right away if you’re faithful to the process. PowerSheets will help you prioritize with confidence, giving you more time for what’s truly important in your life.

“PowerSheets are even more useful than they are beautiful! They have made me reconsider what I want to spend my time on and help me focus on what is important. I am so proud of the progress I’ve made with them! They change my perspective, lift my spirits, and they work. What a blessing!” – Amanda N.

In addition to restocking Six-Month PowerSheets in White, our team has worked with joy and excitement over the past few months, creating new products to encourage and empower you!

Our BRAND NEW summer collection includes seven new products to help you cultivate what you care about most:

NEW! Write the Word: Cultivate Prayer: Grow in connection with God through the powerful gift of prayer.

NEW! Write the Word: Cultivate Forgiveness: Dig into God’s Word to learn the truth about His life-giving grace, mercy, and forgiveness.

“I was struggling to find time in God’s word and didn’t know HOW to spend time in God’s word. These journals make it so simple which is what I needed in my chaotic life!” – Mary Beth

NEW! Cultivate Faith Sticker Book: Use stickers in your PowerSheets, day planners, Write the Word journals, and Bibles to remind yourself of what’s most important in your day-to-day, in your walk with God, and as you celebrate life!                                                                            

NEW! Wellness Goal Guide: Uncover your unique wellness goals and then set action steps to cultivate fitness, nutrition, and self-care.               

NEW! Finance Goal Guide: Focus on taking control of your finances and define action steps to get started on achieving your financial goals, starting right where you are!              

NEW! Write the Word for Kids: Everything your children will need for a fun adventure through God’s word — perfect for summer break!

“The children have eagerly read their Bibles and written in their Write the Word for Kids Journals every day since we’ve been back from the photo shoot, and they’re also thinking more about their goals. Thank you!” – Tiffany

This collection was designed to help you dig deep into what matters most to you. Whether it’s cultivating your faith, taking care of yourself, stewarding your finances, or planting seeds of faith in your children, we trust you’ll see sprouts of change by the time fall rolls around!

Now is your time! Are you ready to spend your days thriving?


Our guarantee: When you intentionally use these products, change will happen. And we’re standing on the sidelines ready to be your biggest cheerleaders!

Photos by Gina Zeidler

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Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas is Cultivate What Matters' Content Strategist and Writer. With over a decade at Cultivate, Emily loves helping women uncover what matters, set good goals, and live them out with joy. Her free time is spent with her high-school-sweetheart husband and three young kiddos.

Cultivate What Matters Podcast

Dream big, plan well, and take action! The Fresh Start Goal Planner has powerful goal-setting pages plus space for your calendar and tasks.

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Write the Word® Love is back! Shop the newly-updated journal, which includes refreshed verses and journaling prompts, along with a lovely new linen cover.