Introducing our Community Manager, Laura!

Introducing our Community Manager, Laura!

Don’t let fear get in the way of reaching out and creating relationships! Life is too short to let fear win, amen? My favorite saying from Lara is, ‘You know those things you’ve always wanted to do? You should go do them.’ I cannot wait to cheer you on!

We’ve had the great pleasure of working with Laura since January of this year, and we’ve been antsy for the day to come when we get to introduce y’all to her! She’s been working behind the scenes with us, preparing content for this new site, generating ideas to help us connect with you over social media and our shops, and generally being an awesome person to talk to on a daily basis. Some of you may know Laura as an MTH 2015 alum, or from her own business, Laura Kathryn Creative. For those of you who don’t know her, you’re in for a treat!

Laura is our new Designer and Community Manager, so she’ll be in charge of creating content like free downloads and printables, worksheets, and graphics that we hope will get you fired up and help you do the good work of making what matters happen! She’ll also be coaching you through your PowerSheets in our various community groups, and lending an ear to your suggestions and feedback.

We can’t wait for y’all to see how encouraging and calming Laura is — be sure to say hi to her in your community groups and in the comments below!


What’s your story in a few sentences?
I live in a beautiful little farm town in Illinois with my husband, Alex and our two sweet girls. After we got married, I left the corporate design world to start my own freelance photography and design business. Now, five years later, I spend my days designing beautiful things with creative people and playing tea party and finger painting. Can life get sweeter?

What’s your favorite color?
Green – in every shade!

What fires you up about spring?
A fresh start, blossoms, green grass, open windows, running outside, flying kites, sidewalk chalk masterpieces with my three year old, outdoor picnics at the park and sunshine!

What did you learn from attending the Making Things Happen Conference?
I went to Making Things Happen thinking I’d learn the “secret sauce” of creating a great business and making big things happen. I left with a complete mindset shift on the person I wanted to be for myself, my family and my clients. I learned the legacy I wanted to leave and how I could make my days simpler, more joyful and more purposeful. I learned that being present is the best gift I can give myself and others. You can read more about my MTH experience here.

What was your favorite part about the MTH Conference?
Other than the incredible life change I’ve experienced since attending in 2014, I love the friendships I’ve made! I’ve gotten to cheer on the other alums as they chase what fires them up and watch them bloom right where they are. Getting to connect in real life with the people behind the Instagram feeds I follow was so good for my soul.

Powersheets Stickers

What is your favorite part of the PowerSheets?
The Download and Tending List pages! I look forward to the fresh start and clear plan the Tending List gives me at the start of each month.

Have you used any PowerSheets stickers lately? Which ones?
Ah, the stickers! Who knew they could still bring so much joy? I love using the little colorful checkmarks for the monthly and weekly items on my Tending List. The “I’m Grateful For….” stickers are also a favorite.

What do you love about being a designer?
I love getting to tell a story with images and words. My most favorite projects involve creating visual stories with smart typography, beautiful photography and the good old-fashioned printed page.

What encouragement can you give to our PowerSheets community?
Don’t let fear get in the way of of reaching out and creating relationships! Life is too short to let fear win, amen? My favorite saying from Lara is, ‘You know those things you’ve always wanted to do? You should go do them.’ I cannot wait to cheer you on!

Laura Kashner

What’s your word for 2016?

Anything else our community should know about you?
I get really fired up about summer beach vacations, beautiful books, creative people, a yummy brunch and spending time with my little family! I’m also training for my 7th Half Marathon (my first one post-babies) and could definitely use some encouragement! If you’re a running mama, let’s connect!

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