How to Set Up Your 90-Day PowerSheets®

How to Set Up Your 90-Day PowerSheets®

90-Day PowerSheets® launched (and promptly sold out—seven hours, friends!!) earlier this month, and have been arriving on doorsteps around the world ever since!

If you're one of the Cultivators joining us on this new quarterly goal setting adventure, welcome! We're so glad you're here. Whether you've used PowerSheets before or this will be your first time goal setting with us, you're likely itching to dig into what matters.

Here's how to set up your new goal planner in just a few simple steps. Let's make the most of the next 90 days!

1. Complete your PowerSheets Prep Work. In a few pages, you'll answer simple, guided questions about where you are now—what's working, what's not working, and what matters to you—to create a compelling big-picture vision for the season ahead.

We like to say that reflection reaps rewards, so enjoy this part of the process! Our best tip for 90-Day users? Set a 30-45 minute timer to complete pages 1-19. You'll be completing the Prep Work four times a year, so write what's true and don't overthink your answers!

2. Set your goals for the next 90 days. How will you live out or move closer to your big-picture vision in the next 90 days? What Finish Line goals and Habits will help you get there? Use pages 20-43 to name your goals and make an action plan for the season ahead. 

We've given you PLENTY of room to sketch, brainstorm, and write in this section, but these pages are for you: use whatever combination of prompts and exercises are most helpful! They're also intentionally flexible: we've heard from some Cultivators planning to focus on just one Big Dream goal, and others who plan to set smaller goals for each area of their lives. We can't wait to see how you make these pages your own!

3. Fill in your calendar. 90-Day PowerSheets are undated. Whether or not you're using your PowerSheets as your day planner, you'll want to write in the dates for the next three months so you can follow along with ease.

4. Make your first Tending List. The Tending List is the heart of the PowerSheets process! It's where you commit to a focus for each month, tracking little-by-little progress on your 90-day goals by breaking them down into monthly, weekly, and daily action steps. Our best tip for your first one? Start small! Add just 1-2 action steps for each section.

5. Customize your PowerSheets. Log into Goal School® (included with your PowerSheets purchase!) and download a few Wildcards to help your goals move further, faster. We have worksheets to help with your budget, reading, health, kids, home, celebrations, and more, and they're all perfectly sized for your PowerSheets.

All that's left to do? Cultivate what matters! We can't wait to see how you live with intention and joy this season. 

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Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas is Cultivate What Matters' Content Strategist and Writer. With over a decade at Cultivate, Emily loves helping women uncover what matters, set good goals, and live them out with joy. Her free time is spent with her high-school-sweetheart husband and three young kiddos.

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