How to Prepare Well for a New Week

How to Prepare Well for a New Week

We love Wildcardsflexible worksheets that fit inside your planner and help you live out your goals. There are Wildcards to help you with everything from organizing your TBR list to making a budget, planning your workouts to tending to your friendships. 

One of our favorites? The Weekend Reset Wildcard! This simple worksheet provides space to create a series of routines for your schedule, home, food needs, and heart. Taken together, they'll help you start each week ready to cultivate what matters.

Today, we're sharing a few ideas for how to use the Weekend Reset Wildcard. Use them as a springboard to brainstorm your own life-giving routines!


What would make your schedule run more smoothly in the week ahead? How can you proactively make time for your priorities before the priorities of others eat up your time?

  • Look ahead in my calendar
  • Schedule habits and action steps for the week ahead
  • Transfer my digital calendar details to my paper calendar
  • Transfer calendar details to a family calendar
  • Confirm appointments or carpool arrangements
  • Hold a family meeting
  • Compare schedules with my significant other


What cleaning or organization tasks would create a fresh foundation for the week ahead? What would help your home feel ready for a new week?

  • Deep clean the kitchen
  • Vacuum and mop
  • Tidy living spaces or surfaces
  • Do laundry
  • Restock supplies
  • Take out the trash
  • Change sheets


How can you prepare well for what matters most to you when it comes to food and fuel? How could a little effort on the front end pay dividends throughout the week?

  • Meal plan
  • Grocery shop
  • Prep fruits and veggies for the week ahead
  • Prep snacks for the week ahead
  • Make two freezer meals
  • Meal prep for the week ahead
  • Make lunches for the week ahead


Logistics aside, what weekly routines or rhythms would tend to your heart and the hearts of the people in your home, filling them up before a new week begins?

  • Invite someone over for dinner
  • Take a neighborhood walk
  • Share gratitude from the week
  • Attend worship
  • Go for a hike
  • Write lunchbox notes for the week ahead
  • Read (or read together)
  • Snuggle
  • Nap

We'd love to hear how you use the Weekend Reset Wildcard, or any favorite weekly rhythms you enjoy! Leave a comment so we can learn from each other.

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Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas is Cultivate What Matters' Content Strategist and Writer. With over a decade at Cultivate, Emily loves helping women uncover what matters, set good goals, and live them out with joy. Her free time is spent with her high-school-sweetheart husband and three young kiddos.

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