How to Pivot Your Goals When You're Stuck at Home

How to Pivot Your Goals When You're Stuck at Home

When a huge, unexpected event comes our way, it's natural for our time (and priorities!) to shift. Unsurprisingly, one of the most frequent topics of conversation in our community right now is how to pivot our PowerSheets® goals. We're here to help!

While the effect of this virus is different from household to household—some of us find ourselves with lots of extra time on our hands, while others are working remotely while homeschooling kiddos and have never been so busy—we're all united in sticking close to home right now.

It might require some creativity, but if you have the time and inclination, you can absolutely still make progress on your goals, even inside four walls. Here are a few of our favorite ideas for pivoting your goals while you're stuck at home. (We'd love to hear yours, too!)

You may not be able to go to the gym, but you can...
— take classes (running, strength, toning, cycling, yoga, meditation and outdoor workouts) for free for 90 days with the Peloton app. The Tone It Up app is also free for 30 days right now, and Pure Barre On Demand is free for 60 days with code EXTENDEDTRIAL!
— run up and down your stairs. This works your cardio, your muscles... all the things. It's a favorite year-round for our own Lara Casey, who was a personal trainer in a past life! :)
— do a workout from home at the same time as a friend. The muscles you most end up working out might be your abs from laughing at the absurdity of it all, but that's not a bad thing :) In addition to the apps above, Team Cultivate loves Yoga with AdrieneMelissa Wood Health, and the Balanced Life Online.
— take a walk or run in your neighborhood or a local nature trail, maintaining six-foot social distancing.
— head to an open soccer field and kick or throw a ball with your kids—or chase each other in a family edition of Tag!

You may not be able to gather in person, but you can...
— check-in on each other from afar. Team Cultivate loves the Marco Polo app to send short videos!
— have a virtual game night. Try a simple game like Scattergories Catergories—easy to play even if only one household has the game box—and hop on FaceTime.— send a cheerful, encouraging note. (Psst: our Joyful Greeting Cards have their name for a reason!)
— get to know your neighbors. If you it makes sense for your situation, consider sending out a note offering your help like our own Kaylee did.

You may not be able to go out on a dinner date, but you can...
— spend time intentionally checking in with each other each day. This might be particularly important even if you've spent the day working side-by-side!
— take a walk together. There's something about walking and talking that allows conversation to flow, which is so helpful for processing thoughts and emotions.
— have an at-home date night. Order takeout and put your phones away!

You may not be able to go out for a fun activity, but you can...
— reset your perspective. As hard as your current situation might be, as much as you wish it were different, this time together is an unusual gift. Using the words "I get to" (be with my kids during the day) instead of "I have to" is powerful.
— spend twenty minutes of focused, present time together each day, doing whatever they'd like to do. This is incredibly powerful!
— take advantage of all the amazing, free resources floating around the internet right now, for all ages. We have a few here, including a sneak peek of the Girls Goal Planner!

You may not be able to save as much, but you can...
review your budget to look for cost-cutting opportunities.
— speak to an expert about your investment asset allocation.
— continue to learn through books and podcasts. (Emily recommends listening to Planet Money for an easy-to-understand, engaging look at economic topics and current events!)

You may not be able to shop for new furniture, but you can...
— declutter your home. Make a list of spaces in need of attention, then assign each to a day or week.
— switch out the photos in your frames or on your walls for fresh ones.
— rearrange your most-used spaces to have what you need in easy reach. Can you add blankets to a cozy spot? Desk supplies to your work-from-home perch?
— start a garden (even just a few pots!). We've got you covered with Gardening 101.

You may not be able to take a vacation, but you can...
— budget for future travel by reviewing your expenses.
— experience something new at home, like cooking a new cuisine.
— draft a bucket list for your area. There's lots to look forward to in the months to come!

Finally, a few reminders:

1. Progress doesn't have to be even across the board. You can pause some of your yearly goals and lean harder into others! Your Yearly Overview pages are a great place to map this out (use pencil!).

2. Progress doesn't have to take hours of time. The extra pockets of your day, like the commute you suddenly don't have to drive or the lunch break you're now spending at home, can be opportunities to cultivate what matters.

3. This time can be redeemed. This forced space (and in some cases, slowness), is an opportunity to create rhythms, routines, and habits that you can carry with you when things go back to normal. 

Be stubborn about what matters, friends, and flexible about your methods. We'd love to hear: how are you pivoting your goals right now and in the months ahead? Please share your ideas in the comments and we'll add them to this post! 

P.S. Don't forget: our first 90-day refresh is coming up soon! Don't have your PowerSheets? Now is the perfect time for a fresh start! The 6-month PowerSheets are undated and ready to help you grow new habits, set life-giving routines, deepen connections, and set goals to help you thrive right now.


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Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas is Cultivate What Matters' Content Strategist and Writer. With over a decade at Cultivate, Emily loves helping women uncover what matters, set good goals, and live them out with joy. Her free time is spent with her high-school-sweetheart husband and three young kiddos.

Cultivate What Matters Podcast

It’s hard to focus when your brain is cluttered—but a fruitful, purposeful life requires it. The Refresh Brain Dump Journal (now in Periwinkle!) helps you capture, sort, organize, and take action on what matters most to you.

Goal School

Create a life you love—and live it out each week— with the Fresh Start Goal Planner. With powerful goal-setting pages plus space for your calendar and tasks, you can dream big, plan well, and take action!