How To Crush Comparison Once and For All

How To Crush Comparison Once and For All

Welcome back to Day Four of PowerSheets Prep Week! Just joining us? That’s great! We started our PowerSheets Prep Work early so you would have everything you need when you’re ready to get started. Check out day one, two, and three here!

Today we’re focusing on pages 26-31 of our PowerSheets Prep Week, and we can’t wait to dive in! We’ll be sharing our progress on Instagram stories today, so make sure to follow along! We’re getting into a really fun part of the Prep Work, but there might still be some lingering feelings from yesterday’s section (I heard that from a lot of you on social media!)

My PowerSheets Prep Work changes from year to year, but I’ve also found there are some years where I write repeating things. Yesterday, I found that comparison kept showing up on my “no” list. I had to remind myself that while others look to other people’s goals and progress to define their own, that’s not what we do here. We uncover our own unique path and goals, and we make it happen.

But before doing that, we often have to fight the comparison trap. Here are a few tips on how to stay on your unique path:

Turn comparison into celebration. Admiration points us towards what we value most. And when we become aware of what we value, we are much better positioned to create a life that means something to us. When you’re focused on celebrating instead of comparison, there’s a shift in your heart. Instead of fuming and coveting, you’ll find that over time your heart will slowly bend towards celebrating, making it easy to send the congratulatory email or “double tap” that photo on Instagram.

Cultivate a heart of gratitude. When you stop to think about it, we compare ourselves because we are discontent. Fight comparison by nurturing daily thankfulness. You can start small; here are seven easy (and free) ways to get started!

Pursue greater things. In the same way that gratitude will help you fight discontentment and comparison, pursuing greater things–things that really matter to you–is going to help you focus. Not sure what those greater things are? OurPowerSheets Prep Work will help you uncover good goals–goals that are connected to what matters to YOU and no one else–and then do something about them. Staying on your unique path will give you confidence.

Remove the comparison traps entirely. For me, practically speaking, this means unfollowing certain people on social media. It means unsubscribing from all the J. Crew marketing emails. Where are the areas in your life where you most often find yourself succumbing to the comparison trap? Start by eliminating those.

Join Lara TODAY for How to Set up Your 2018 PowerSheets webinar. She’ll be walking through the PowerSheets Prep section of the 2018 PowerSheets and showing you how to get organized for the new year, make your goals happen, and live intentionally in the new year. We can’t wait to see you! if you can’t join live, a replay will be available for all those who sign up.

The Cultivate Team shares day four of our PowerSheets Prep Work

Your turn! Leave a comment and share ways you fight comparison! I’ll choose one lucky commenter tomorrow to win a $25 gift card to the Cultivate Shop!

Don’t forget to share your PowerSheets Prep Work with our team on Instagram! Remember, you must use the #PowerSheets hashtag and your profile must be public to be entered to win. One lucky winner will win a FREE 30-minute personal coaching call with Lara. Lara doesn’t offer individual coaching sessions (she hosts the MTH Conference every year instead), so this is an extra special giveaway. We’ll choose one winner on Monday, December 11th. There are no limits to number of entries, so share as often as you’d like! 

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