You Made This the Best Week Ever

You Made This the Best Week Ever

I'll be the first to admit itwe've been known to throw around the term "best _____ ever" a liiiiiiiitle more than your average company. (Blame it on our enthusiasm core value, but we REALLY DO believe it when we say 2020 will be your best year ever! :))

This week, thoughI don't have ANY hesitation in declaring it the best week ever, and that's because of YOU! 

2020 PowerSheets launched this week, and together, we’re about to grow some wonderful things across the world.

Because of you, something far better than a product launch happened this week. We have a not-so-secret dream: to see you live out what lasts—and encourage everyone around you to do the same.

This week, that dream started to take root.

Our bright yellow “Today is the day!” boxes have started shipping out all over the world (to all 50 states plus our nation's capitol, many military bases (thank you for your service!) and 67 countries!!!). Our shipping team is working hard getting orders out the door—thank you in advance for your patience as they get through them as fast as they can.

These boxes may appear to be filled with new products, but we know a deeper truth: they’re also filled with hope. In hitting “purchase” this week, you chose courage—courage to start fresh. Courage to dream. Courage to change. Courage to cultivate what you hold dear.

There are ten women in our office, and togetherwith you!we make one strong team. You might even say we're #SquadGoals ;)

You are a community of women that see challenges as opportunities.
You walk the walk—you encouraged us this week, as you do so well!
You think big picture and take small steps.
You are generous.
You are encouraging.
You are capable.
You are passionate.
You are ready!

You, friends, are Cultivators. And we’re so grateful to be on this team alongside you helping every woman know she can think differently. She doesn’t have to do it all. She can walk her unique path and use her gifts to love others well. She can cultivate what matters, right where she is, with what she has.

And now, here’s a behind-the-scenes look at some of our favorite moments from Launch Day and what’s ahead.

We kicked off the day on an all-team video call (and stayed on all day!), since we have team members in North Carolina, Colorado, Missouri, and Wisconsin. We took care of last minute to-dos and prayed over the launch before diving into our individual roles for the day. Our goal on what can be an overwhelming day: to serve you well, one by one, with joy! For us, even if someone doesn’t purchase our products, we hope the experience of visiting our site or interacting with us will open her eyes to think differently and live out what lasts, right where she is.

Highlights from Launch Day from a few team members:

Meg, our Copywriter: My favorite part of Launch Week was seeing thousands of seasoned PowerSheets users encouraging and cheering others on in social comments all week long. And, it was thrilling to hear that so many new women are giving PowerSheets a try for the first time in 2020!

Marissa, our Partnerships Manager: My favorite part was chatting with so many first-time PowerSheets users in LiveChat! I can’t wait for you to dig in, friends. My second favorite has to be our own Julie jamming out to Kelly Clarkson with full-on lip sync and dance moves. No one celebrates quite like Team Cultivate!

Alexa, our Designer: My favorite part about Launch Week was watching the Cultivate community love on each other! It's been especially beautiful to see our Facebook community share their PowerSheets stories with such vulnerability and wisdom. And then, to watch strangers pour out encouragement like they're the closest of friends. These planners are so much more than paper and gold foil—they're changing lives and threading stories together.

Mackenzie, our Customer Delight gal: My favorite part about Launch Week has been being so engaged with our community! They truly have been so kind and it's amazing to hear how much life change is happening.

Madeline, our Operations Director: The best part has been seeing people post with their excitement, even just their order confirmation emails. We’ve put so much time and energy into these products, and now they’re finally going out into the world to do the good work we know they’re capable of in so many women’s lives!

Me, Emily (Chief of Staff and Creative Director!): Though I loved loved loved chatting with you all in direct messages on Instagram, my favorite part might have been dreaming up how best to love on these ladies above, because they certainly deserve it!! We had snacks, matching tees, surprises (including this amazing Prime Water Defense PreWash from AQUIS!), pick-me-up candy, and more to keep spirits high and fingers flying. It's an honor to take care of these gals!

Friends, thank you! Your kindness and enthusiasm have meant the world to us this week. This is just the beginning for all of us—we'll be with you every step of the way in the year ahead!

Shop the 2020 PowerSheets Collection now and mark your calendar for PowerSheets Prep Week, starting December 9th!

Your turn! What did you choose from the shop this week? What cover are you going with?

P.S. We often say we wish we could hop into every box and give you a hug as we ask you about what you'll cultivate in the year ahead. Well, we still can't get to every single one of you, but RIGHT THIS MINUTE a few members of Team Cultivate are headed to the airport to deliver a launch day order in person!!! We're breaking our typical social-media-free weekends to bring you in on the excitement over the next 24 hours, so, if you'd like, follow along on Instagram! (And if you'd rather stay offline, don't worry - we'll save all stories to our highlights, ready for your enjoyment on Monday! :))

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Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas is Cultivate What Matters' Content Strategist and Writer. With over a decade at Cultivate, Emily loves helping women uncover what matters, set good goals, and live them out with joy. Her free time is spent with her high-school-sweetheart husband and three young kiddos.