The Heart Behind Cultivate Confidence

The Heart Behind Cultivate Confidence

Have you ever lost your confidence? Forgotten who you are?

Every woman in the world raises her hand.

I have memories of depleted confidence dating back to my earliest years. Every time, it was the result of tying my identity to the wrong things.

I’m an Enneagram 3. If you don’t know anything about the Enneagram or 3’s, here’s a synopsis of our tendencies: 3’s are achievers. We’re generally ambitious, competitive, and success-oriented. We fear being worthless, and desperately want to feel valuable.

Out of that fear and need, we can easily place our worth and identity in our accomplishments and achievements—rather than anchoring our identity in who God says we are

While it's especially true for some (like me!), I think everyone can relate to that a little, right?

PowerSheets Prep Work

After years of exhausting myself by using the tireless metric of accomplishments to measure my worthiness, I set out on a journey in 2019 to redefine and rediscover who I truly am. I worked through my PowerSheets Prep Work and noticed I had a recurring thread in my answers (see the photo above!). Out of that work, I set a 2019 goal to “rediscover and BE my true, authentic, God-created self.”

A lofty goal, right? Where would I even start?

I wasn’t sure, so I started in the one place I was certain wouldn’t lead me astray: I focused on who God says I am in the book He gave me. “Research identity” was on my Tending List from January to November in 2019!

I had a lot to unlearn. As an achiever—or frankly, even just as a human being—it’s so easy to wrap your identity in your achievements, your job, your titles, what you’re good ator in my case, my soccer skills. 

I played soccer from age 4-22. From kiddie soccer to college soccer, I spent a lot of my life on the field competing or training to compete. I considered myself successful when we won, and a failure when we lost.

But what I found in my research was pretty life-changing. The scriptures said absolutely nothing about any of those worldly achievements I valued so much. Instead, they talked about how my “salvation and honor are in Him alone” (Psalm 62) and that “by His wounds [I] am healed” (Isaiah 53), and that “He takes great delight in [me]...he will rejoice over [me] with singing” (Zephaniah 3). 

All that I learned last year and more was poured into our newest volume of Write the Word | Cultivate ConfidenceEmily worked hard to hand-select the perfect scriptures to grow your confidence from a place of unshakable trust—the Word of God! I truly think you’re going to love this volume.

Cultivate Confidence will remind you of who God says you are. Not what someone else says. Not what you’re good at. Not your job, your title, your net worth, your productivity, or what you do. In a world that tries to tear you down and shout at you about who you are and what you're worth, these hand-selected scriptures will grow your confidence from a bedrock of truth, in a way that lasts.

I also think it’s the perfect volume for all that's going on in the world right now. As we listen, learn, and take steps forward in anti-racism, we're grateful to help you all explore what the Bible says about you, no matter the color of your skin.

So, my friend, if you’re in need of a reset, if you need to redefine who you are, or if you just need a daily reminder of who you are in HimWrite the Word | Cultivate Confidence is for you!

Have anything you’d like to add? Can you relate to my experiences? I’d love to hear from you in the comments! We’re all on this journey of growing our confidence from the only place that won't fail us together. I'm grateful to be here with you!

P.S. Shop the two BRAND NEW Write the Word Journals on June 24 at 10 am ET. Be sure you check out both new journals and the surprise accessory before Launch Day! 

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