New Rhythms for a New Season

New Rhythms for a New Season

Last year, we shared 10 ideas for intentional family rhythms. The fall, with its back-to-school excitement, is a big one for families, and we love to help equip them with tools and resources. 

But families aren't the only ones ready for a rhythm check-up and routine refresh when the end of the summer rolls around! Any Cultivator in any stage can use the fresh fall feeling to refresh her schedule - after all, a new season is the perfect time to experiment with new intentional rhythms.

Here are five weekly rhythms you might like to try, no matter what season of life you're in!

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5 Intentional Weekly Rhythms

1. A day of rest

Talk about starting off with something counter-cultural! :) We only think setting aside one day a week for rest as unusual, though, because it's rare in our current world - but for much of history, it wasn't! Whether you choose Saturday, Sunday, or another day that works with your schedule, consider pausing income-producing work and housework once a week and replacing them with time with family and friends and activities you find relaxing. It's not always easy, but it's always worth it.

2. A tech fast

This practice is as flexible as your imagination, but the core is the same: pause your use of tech in a predetermined way. You can choose in advance what this means: what tech you're going to refrain from and how long you're going to set it aside. For example, you might log out of social media one day a week, or turn off your phone on Saturday mornings. You might shut down your laptop on Friday evening and not open it until Sunday at lunch.

3. A communal meal

We all hunger for community, but many of us find it hard to make time to see our friends. And in this age of busyness and loneliness, we end up eating most meals alone. Fight back against both by choosing one meal a week to eat with others. 

You might host a Sunday supper open to all. Or maybe a Friday work lunch enjoyed with colleagues, a Saturday brunch with a rotating cast of friends, or a Monday coffee date at the bus stop. Whatever it is, adding a communal meal into your weekly rhythm is a joy that will carry you through the full week.

4. Time outside

We love a walk through the woods for its simplicity, but anything that gets you outdoors and moving is a win! You can easily ramp the difficulty up or down depending on your abilities.

5. A weekly reset

A simple routine to end the weekend and start the week well can be a game-changer. We recommend choosing at least one item from the schedule, home, food, and heart categories and setting aside an hour or two to prep for what's ahead on Sunday.  

The beautiful thing about all of these weekly rhythm ideas? They're incredibly flexible! Use them as inspiration but change up the details (time, place, meal) to fit your unique life.

We'd love to hear: what weekly rhythms help you cultivate what matters?

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Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas is Cultivate What Matters' Content Strategist and Writer. With over a decade at Cultivate, Emily loves helping women uncover what matters, set good goals, and live them out with joy. Her free time is spent with her high-school-sweetheart husband and three young kiddos.