Meet Our Contributors — Mattye Woodcock

Meet Our Contributors — Mattye Woodcock

The LC Team is so excited to introduce our next PowerSheets Community Blog Contributor – Mattye Woodcock! Over the next several months, Mattye will share openly about her PowerSheets journey. We hope that you’ll be encouraged by her progress over perfection, and can take away some of Mattye’s tips for making the PowerSheets work best for her. We are excited for this community to get a glimpse into these PowerSheets users’ lives and how they’re making what matters happen. Get to know a little bit about Mattye below and stay tuned for her first contributor post in the coming weeks!

What’s your story in a few sentences?

If I had to sum up my story in one sentence, it would be that I am a woman saved by grace. Connecting with my Creator has been the single most impactful thing I have done in my life, and my story is shaped by how He is constantly making me new and calling me into the life He created for me to live. I am passionate about Jesus, marriage, true love, real friendship, writing, and connecting with people. I love taking walks in my neighborhood with my husband, and as often as possible, I dig into the butter and sugar to whip up my new favorite Lemon Bundt cake or my mom’s chocolate chip cookies. I’m so excited to be here and get to share life with y’all!

What’s your favorite color?

Lavender has been a longtime favorite, and lately I’ve been drawn to bold pink and navy blue. I am also loving gingham right now. I know that’s not a color, but I still thought it was worth a shout out!

What fires you up about spring?

This spring is a special one for me. It’s the first spring in our new house, and one of my favorite surprises has been all the flowers blooming in our yard! At the beginning of March, my husband and I went through a miscarriage, and in a simple, sweet way, the flowers have brought me joy and given me hope. They remind me of life and that spring always comes after winter.

I’ve also loved seeing all the people in our neighborhood! We moved in late fall, so this is the first season where people have been out and about. There is an energy it brings, and I love seeing people tending to their lives. Relationships are tended as people go on walks together or play with their kids, fitness is tended as people run and exercise, and homes, yards, and cars are tended as people get their hands dirty and make things happen! It makes me wonder if my neighbors are PowerSheets users, too!

How long have you used the PowerSheets and how have they helped you in the past?

I started my first set of PowerSheets in 2013. I diligently worked through the prep work (even when it felt hard!), but I couldn’t quite get into the flow with my Tending Lists. Then I attended Making Things Happen in October 2013, and everything clicked. I completed the sample tending sheet they gave us at MTH, and I took it home to guide my November.  After one month, I was hooked. The Tending List helped create such clarity and steps for action, and I saw results. I continued using my PowerSheets as I worked toward my big goal of launching my blog, The LovingKind. I have continued using PowerSheets ever since, and enjoy them more and more each year. I am amazed and grateful at the strides they have helped me take toward living a life of purpose that is driven by what matters most in my heart.

What is your favorite part of the PowerSheets?

My favorite part of using PowerSheets is the tending list! I love mapping out a plan and seeing progress toward reaching big dreams through little-by-little action steps. My tending list keeps me engaged and inspired to pursue my goals while satisfying my list-loving heart. It helps me know what to say yes to, what to say no to, and to evaluate how I’m doing along the way. The tending list tangibly shows me that perfection isn’t the goal, but progress is. I may not be able to check off every box, but I am able to make meaningful things happen by pursuing purposeful action and embracing grace.

Tell us about one of your goals for the year.

I set 10 goals this year, and each one is led by my word of the year, “Grow. One of my goals is to “Grow Home. My husband and I put intentional time, effort, and prayer into buying the right home, and now that we are in it, we are putting the same intention into growing it to be a place of peace, hospitality, and sincere love. Practically, this shows up on my tending list through things like “research mattress and bed for guest room, clean out the office, cook weekly, and host friends."

What is your favorite PowerSheets sticker?

I love the gold foil “What Matters Most sticker with the arrow! I use it in my prep work pages to help center me and to point out the really important things.

As a contributor, what encouragement can you give to our PowerSheets community?

You can do it and it is worth it! PowerSheets aren’t about a quick and easy fix, but they are about digging deep into what matters most in your heart and creating an actionable, fun plan to make it happen. My best advice for you, my PowerSheets friends, is to commit to the process. Diving in may feel uncomfortable at first, as new things often do, but if you’ll stick with it, you will be amazed at the beautiful things they help you create in your life like stronger relationships, completed projects, a peaceful home, focused days, and a meaningful legacy. Your best life is planted somewhere inside your heart, and PowerSheets are a great companion to help you uncover it.

What’s your word for 2016?

My word for the year is Grow!  As I worked through the prep work this year, I felt like I had some good patterns and things happening in my life (thanks to several seasons of using PowerSheets!), and I felt compelled to focus on intentionally growing the areas that matter most.

Anything else our community should know about you?

I’m cheering you on, and I would love to know what your PowerSheets are helping you make happen! If you are on this site, you have already taken an amazing step toward cultivating purpose in your life. I get wildly fired up about women intentionally approaching their lives in order to walk more fully in who we are made to be. I am beyond excited to be in this community with you, and I have so much faith that the best is yet to come. Our lives are such a precious gift, y’all. Let’s make them happen like we believe they really matter, because they do.

Thank you for sharing, Mattye! We’re looking forward to hearing about your PowerSheets journey this year!

Follow Mattye at: (site coming soon!)


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