Write the Word Choose Your Own Scripture Bible Journal

How to Use Your Blank Write the Word Journal

For years, women have found refreshment, peace, and a much-needed direct route into the Bible with our bestselling Write the Word® journals.

One very special edition—the Choose Your Own Scripture blank volume—quickly became a beloved place for Write the Word users to record their personal scripture journeys in a simple and impactful way.

This favorite volume has been out of stock for over year, but now it's back and in a brand-new color!

Many in the Cultivate community have shared creative and inspiring ways to use this completely customizable volume! Today, we're sharing a few of those ideas with youand we'd love to hear how you'll use your blank Write the Word in the comments, too!

8 creative ways to use your blank Write the Word journal:

  • As a prayer journal for your kids. No matter how old your kids are, use a journal for each to jot down the scriptures you’re praying over them. Then, use the journaling section for notes and memories as you see God at work in their lives. After you’ve filled up the pages, consider saving it as a special keepsake for them later in life. 
  • As a graduation gift. They’ll have the freedom to use it however they like, and you’ll feel confident it will help them grow in their faith. Add in a few scriptures and prayers to encourage them on the first few pages.
  • As a sermon note journal. Try writing out a passage of scripture from the day's lesson on one page and jotting down notes on the other. This can help you stay focused and leave church with practical applications from the sermon.
  • To write out an entire book of the Bible. Take a deep dive into one book and journal your way through. Depending on the length, write out every word or just a selection from each chapter.
  • As a gift for a loved one on a special occasion. Choose and write out your own verses to encourage your loved one in what's next - marriage, parenthood, graduation, a medical diagnosis. Use the journaling pages to write encouragement, prayers, or to share the qualities you see in them!
  • To reflect on a daily devotion. Write out the scripture of the day and use the journaling space to reflect on the questions. For a free option, we love the daily devotions from Proverbs 31, and She Reads Truth.
  • To reflect on daily mass readings. Catholic friends, this one's for you! Pull a verse or two from the day's readings to write out and reflect on in your journal.
  • Alongside your Bible study. If you’re in a Bible study with a friend or small group, use your journal as a companion to what you’re learning. It’s a great way to keep track of your thoughts, prayers, and hopes for whatever season of life you’re in. We love Bible studies from our friends at The Daily Grace Co., among many others!

This community is so creative—we can't WAIT to hear how you all use your new Write the Word volumes in the weeks and months ahead! If you have a study suggestion or idea for your journal, please share it with us in the comments!

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Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas is Cultivate What Matters' Content Strategist and Writer. With over a decade at Cultivate, Emily loves helping women uncover what matters, set good goals, and live them out with joy. Her free time is spent with her high-school-sweetheart husband and three young kiddos.

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Write the Word® Love is back! Shop the newly-updated journal, which includes refreshed verses and journaling prompts, along with a lovely new linen cover.