How to Set Goals With Your PowerSheets: Part 3

How to Set Goals With Your PowerSheets: Part 3

Welcome back to Day Three of PowerSheets Prep Week! Just joining us? That’s great! We started our 2020 PowerSheets Prep Work early so you would have everything you need when you’re ready to get started.

Today we’re focusing on pages 22-33 in our Prep Work, all about creating a life vision. Grab your PowerSheets®, your favorite pen, and stickers (stickers make everything more fun!), and get ready for a pep talk from the goal coach in your pocket:

Listen, friend—does "creating a life vision" sound a bit grand to you? I get it! But this is the absolute heart of what we do at Cultivate, and of your PowerSheets! Uncovering what really matters to you is the most important step in goal setting. It's your WHY, the thing that will propel you forward, and it's the destination you're moving toward! 

This is not about having every detail of the rest of your life perfectly sketched out. This is about painting a picture of the life you hope to live, the people you hope to surround yourself with, and the legacy you hope to lead, so you can start living like it today. If we can picture something clearly, we are much more likely to be able to achieve it!

Today's Prep Work also includes choosing your Word of the Year! Once you've chosen yours (or if you need a little inspiration), head here to download a hand-lettered lock screen. We've included a fill-in-your-own option, too!

Part 3 Pages:
Write out your big picture: where do you want to be when you're 80? What will matter to you then? What won't matter to you then?
Dream about the legacy you'd like to create. Who do you want to be? What do you want to be known for?
Mark your threads. Go over everything you've written so far and look for patterns and things that stand out!
Envision your most purposeful year ahead. We've got lots of prompts to get your wheels turning!
Brainstorm your year ahead. Use the big picture you've uncovered to brainstorm goal ideas for 2020.
Make your "no" and "yes" list for the year ahead. You're making decisions about how you're going to spend your time!
Choose a word for your year! There's no pressure here, just an opportunity to keep what matters right in front of you.
Fill in your mad-lib as a summary of all that you've written so far. YES!

Your turn! Leave a comment below, and share something you've learned from your PowerSheets Prep Work today! I’ll choose one lucky commenter tomorrow to win a $25 gift card to the Cultivate Shop!

Don’t have your 2020 PowerSheets Goal Planner yet? Now is the perfect time to dig in! Order yours today, and we’ll get it in your hands in a jiffy. Not sure if PowerSheets are right for you? Send us a note, and we'll be happy to help!

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Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas is Cultivate What Matters' Content Strategist and Writer. With over a decade at Cultivate, Emily loves helping women uncover what matters, set good goals, and live them out with joy. Her free time is spent with her high-school-sweetheart husband and three young kiddos.