How to Color Code Your PowerSheets Goals

How to Color Code Your PowerSheets Goals

Since releasing our first edition of our Cultivate What Matters Sticker Book last fall, we’ve heard from countless PowerSheets users who have used stickers to make goal-setting more intentional and fun!

If you’ve been following Lara’s PowerSheets goals over the past few months, you’ve likely noticed Lara’s colored blocks and dots on her PowerSheets and Monthly Tending Lists. She’s been trying out a new color coding system that our team brainstormed months ago for our brand new Goal Setting Sticker Book, and we’re so excited to see many of you incorporate it into your PowerSheets!

We’ve gotten lots of questions about how the new color coding system works, and I have the best news for you: it’s not complicated at all! We’ll share a few tips we have for you below, but everything you need (and more!) to get started is in the Goal Setting Sticker Book!

Assign each of your yearly goals a color. Use the flags in the beginning of your sticker book to give each of your yearly goals an assigned color.

Use the color coding dots to label your Tending List. As you fill our your Tending List each month, assign each of your monthly, weekly, and daily goals a colored dot sticker that coordinates with the appropriate yearly goal. Doing this helps you make sure your Tending List is filled with priorities and doesn’t just become a to-do list. If there’s a goal that doesn’t fall into a particular yearly goal, ask yourself if it’s relevant. You can even use our favorite pens to write out the goals for more color coding!

Goal-related tasks remind you of your priorities at a glance, so that you can easily see where you are focusing your time and energy each month.

Give yourself grace. There might be some months where all your Tending List goals are one or two colors, and that’s okay! Some months you’ll need to put your head down and focus on one goal in particular, and it’s okay for your Tending List to be one or two colors.

Don’t stop at your PowerSheets. Use the color coding system in other areas of your life! If you’re a paper planner girl, you can use the colored dot stickers in your planner to help you see where you’re spending your time. Ready to tackle that email inbox? Start assigning out labels with coordinating colors. The you can integrate products and systems you are already using on a daily basis, the better off you’ll be!

Be willing (and eager) to re-evaluate your goals and what’s working. Anytime you begin to implement new rhythms and routines, it’s important to give yourself a bit of breathing room as you adjust. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither are new systems for your life! Remind yourself that little by little progress adds up, and celebrate the progress you are making!

Are you ready to start color coding your PowerSheets goals with us? Get your Goal Setting Sticker Book today!

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