A New Beginning for Jess + Meet Kenzie!

A New Beginning for Jess + Meet Kenzie!

Rooted: to be established deeply and firmly. Firmly planted. 

I chose my 2018 Word of the Year during my PowerSheets® Prep Work last year knowing 2018 was going to be a marker year in my life. I was still settling into a new city, moving into a new home, planning a wedding, and preparing (as best one can) to merge her life with someone else’s. 

One of my biggest goals was to cultivate community in Atlanta. The hardest part of leaving Durham was leaving a community—both people and places—that I had built over the previous decade. The sense of belonging and openness that comes from a friend just stopping into your home because she’s in the neighborhood. The weekly Bachelor viewing parties. Your favorite brunch spot after church. Knowing where to find your go-to items in the grocery store.

Little by little, over the past year in Atlanta, I’ve seen the small steps I’ve written in my Tending List come to life. Friendships have deepened. We found a great church community. We’ve opened our home to friends—new and old—each month with our Third Thursday dinners. We’re learning more about the history and challenges of our city, and we’re thinking about and praying for ways we can help write our new narrative. This is all new to us, but it’s exciting and invigorating to firmly plant ourselves in this space. 

With all these things in mind (and with the full support of the Cultivate team!), I wanted to let you know that I’ve recently transitioned off the Cultivate team to plant myself in Atlanta and find a job based here. Letting go of something good to move towards something new isn't always an easy decision, but, like we teach others every day, it opens the possibility for something else to grow in the season ahead.

Don’t worry; I won’t be a stranger! My 2019 PowerSheets are ready to go, and you better believe I’ll be hanging out in the PowerSheets Group ready to cheer everyone on (and ask for help myself!).

The ending of one chapter often marks the beginning of a new one for someone else, and I couldn’t be more thrilled to introduce you to Kenzie, our new Content Manager. Kenzie’s a THREE-TIME MTH Conference alum (go girl!), has been on site for PowerSheets photo shoots, and more than that, lives out our mission of cultivating what matters in her own life each and every day. She packed up her things in December, moved to North Carolina, and has seamlessly folded into Team Cultivate over the last few weeks. We’ve shared many BarTaco dinners together, so I can personally vouch for the fact that she has a heart bent towards loving and encouraging othersyou will have the best year alongside each other! 

From Lara: Yes! While we greatly miss having Jess on the team day-to-day (we love you, Jess!!), we are thrilled for her new season in Atlanta and fully support her following the call that's been placed on her heart. And we're equally excited for you to meet Kenzie, who has been a friend to us for many years! At Cultivate, we are believers in both the little-by-little AND big leaps of faith along the way, and I'm grateful for how this story brings both to life in a beautiful way.

You'll get to know Kenzie much more in the days and weeks to come (I'm so excited for you!), but for now, just a brief intro!

Hometown: So many places thanks to a dozen moves! Some of my favorites are: Nashville, TN; Lynchburg, VA; and Chicago, IL.

Birthday: May 16th

Favorite meal:  All things brunch! Greet me with coffee and banana bread and we'll be fast friends.

Your secret talent:  A photographic memory! 

Favorite part about NC:  I've experienced some of the most life-giving, refreshing moments on Ocracoke Island (always with a taco in hand from Eduardo's!).

Your PowerSheets cover choice for 2019:  Team yellow!

Your second favorite product in the shop (after PowerSheets!):  I keep a stack of Write the Word journals in my car. I've passed them off to college friends, my sisters, and even random new friends at weddings! I'm always amazed at what can come from those small seeds of conversation and connection. 

Friends, please help us give Kenzie a big CWM welcome in the comments below!  She’s been such a delight to our team and me personally, and we know you are going to love her just as much as we do! You can also say hi and get to know her on Instagram.

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