Don't Forget Delight: Ideas for Adding Glimmers of Joy to Your Weekly Routines

Don't Forget Delight: Ideas for Adding Glimmers of Joy to Your Weekly Routines

If you're the type of person who faithfully fills out her goal planner, who reads time management books for fun, and who's considered taking (or already completed!) a mini course on purposeful productivity, you're likely already a whiz at getting the right things done and making the most of your days. Friend, we think that's really amazing. The world needs more people who know what matters and go after it with love, ambition, and efficiency! 

What sometimes gets missed in the bustle of a full life, though, is delight. Joy! Surprise! Rest! Play! Beauty! Often, these are the first to go when life gets busy: delight just seems less important than precision or deadlines when you have a complicated schedule. Or maybe "delight" feels like one more thing to fit in, one more box to check. 

But everyone is worthy of delight. You are worthy of delight. No matter how busy your schedule or how numerous your responsibilities, you can and should incorporate delight into your weekly rhythms and routines. It doesn't have to be complicated, it doesn't have to be extravagant, and it doesn't have to look like anyone else's version of delight. Butto keep doing your good work of cultivating what matters over the long term, it's essential.

The best dashes of delight, of course, are ones only you'll be able to come up with, because they'll reflect who you are and what matters most to you. (And what's possible in your current season!) We've gone ahead and gathered some ideas for sprinkling in fun to get you started, though. Pull out your Season by Season planner or your PowerSheets® goal planner, flip to the Weekly Rhythm Ideas spread, and get ready to add a dash of delight to your days! 

Water pouring into a glass with limes

Delightful Questions to Ask Yourself:

  • What would make me feel more like myself as I do the things I need to do?
  • What small things bring me joy?
  • What makes me laugh?
  • What traditions matter to me? What new traditions would be fun to start? (And are there any traditions I should retire?)
  • What makes me feel rested? Refreshed?
  • Who are the people I most love spending time with? How could I see them more in simple ways?

Ideas for Adding Delight to Your Days:

In the morning:

  • Sip coffee in bed
  • Read a few pages of your current fiction book before getting out of bed
  • Make your bed first thing (or don't make your bed... you do you!)
  • Slip into a pair of cozy slippers
  • Upgrade your sheets or pajamas
  • Use an actual alarm clock so you can charge your phone in another room
  • Program your coffee maker to brew automatically right before you wake up
  • Head outside for a little sun on your face first thing
  • Eat breakfast sitting down instead of on-the-go

At meal times:

  • Do a crossword puzzle or read a book while you eat
  • Or, eat in silence and give your mind a chance to wander
  • Eat on your favorite plate or with a cloth napkin
  • Fix yourself a real meal and eat it away from your work
  • Set the mood with "dinner time music" while you eat
  • Light a candle
  • Eat outside

During the work day:

  • Light a candle by your work station
  • Turn off notifications for blissfully-focused work blocks
  • Eat lunch with a coworker (or away from everyone else... you do you!)
  • Bring a favorite snack or drink for a mid-morning or -afternoon pick-me-up
  • Find a pair of earbuds that don't hurt your ears (just me? :))
  • Stand up and stretch regularly
  • Go for a brisk walk in the morning and the afternoon

In the evening:

  • Stack chores with things that bring you joy: for example, listen to a favorite podcast while cleaning the kitchen
  • Take a shower and get into your pajamas earlier than necessary
  • Put your phone to bed at least an hour before you yourself turn in
  • Always keep a great book close at hand
  • Find ways to engage with your kids doing something you both love: this might be doing puzzles for some, or make believe, reading aloud, kicking the soccer ball, or going for a walk for others
  • Plan dinners you love to eat (and consider theme menu days —always something to look forward to!)

On the weekend and otherwise:

  • Mark the transition to the weekend in a fun way (it doesn't have to be complicated!)
  • Set up a standing date open to any friends who can join. Think: Friday pizza hangs, a long table at the coffee shop on Saturday mornings, an early-morning neighborhood walk on Tuesdays... the possibilities are endless!
  • Spend time outside
  • Try a phone Sabbath
  • Listen to an audiobook or call a friend while you run errands
  • Sleep in
  • Prep a more indulgent breakfast on Saturday or Sunday morning
  • Experience something new, big or small (novelty can be a delight!)
  • Do the regular parts of life with friends or family: grocery shopping, kids' activities, exercise. 


We'd love to hear: what simple things bring delight to your days? How do you incorporate them into your rhythms and routines?


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Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas is Cultivate What Matters' Content Strategist and Writer. With over a decade at Cultivate, Emily loves helping women uncover what matters, set good goals, and live them out with joy. Her free time is spent with her high-school-sweetheart husband and three young kiddos.