Celebrate Your Friendships with Traditions

Celebrate Your Friendships with Traditions

Traditions help us cultivate connection through meaningful shared experiences. Guess what? You’re never too old to start a new tradition! Whether it’s something you’ve done before or a tradition you want to start, now is the perfect time to make it happen!

When I think about my favorite memories from my college years, it’s easy to notice a thread-the place I called home my senior year of college, 2 Marilyn Lane. A house is just a shell, and what makes it a home are the people with whom you share it. We shared our lives-not perfectly, but willingly. One of my favorite traditions we have is gathering together for a weekend each year. No amount of technology can make up for time together, so early on we made a promise to prioritize in-person time together by planning a reunion weekend once a year. This trip consistently ends up being one of my favorite weekends each year!

2 Marilyn Lane celebrating at a baby shower together last year

You might not have the finances or time to plan annual trips with your friends in this season of life, but that doesn’t mean you have to wait to start traditions. We’ve created a list of friendship traditions you can start below!

Host a holiday gathering. Take it one step further and make it themed! An annual Friendsgiving potluck or an adult Easter egg hunt, the possibilities are endless!

Schedule monthly Google hangouts or FaceTimes with faraway friends. A group of my boyfriend’s college housemates has started a monthly Google hangout on Saturday mornings. Everyone can join, and they get a chance to share big updates in their lives.

Start a group text message thread or photo stream. There’s a good chance you already have this, and if so, start being more intentional with what you’re communicating. Offer encouragement, ask for help, and send funny photos! It will help you feel connected to your friends throughout the day.

Take an annual vacation together. This takes some forethought and intentional planning, but it’s worth it! Use Doodle to find a weekend that works for everyone, get creative about your locations, and start planning!

Start a traveling scrapbook. One of the traditions I want to start (you’ll see it in my Fruitful Friendships Workbook!) is to create a notebook that is mailed from person to person. When it’s received, the person will fill it out before mailing it to the next person! Whether it’s funny memories from their week, a day in the life, photos, or anything, I know it will be a sweet and funny thing to look back on together.

That’s a small list, but it’s a start! Our Fruitful Friendships Workbook is full of lots of other ideas! It will also walk you through brainstorming and action steps, and then helps you transfer those goals to your PowerSheets.

I’d love to hear from you! What tradition do you want to start with your friends? Leave a comment below!


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