Writing the Word with Kids

Writing the Word with Kids

by: Jess Thore

Since releasing our Write the Word journals, we’ve had numerous questions about how to Write the Word with children, and today’s post has been in the works for a long time! We hope it’s encouraging to all you mommas out there hoping to cultivate faith in the hearts of your children!

Let them see you in the Word. Prior to my current role on the Cultivate team, I was a Kid’s Director for my church, and one of the things we often said to parents was this: Whether we like it or not, children pay more attention to what you do than what you say. Let your actions speak louder than your words. Whether you are using our Write the Word journals or not, make sure your children see you spending time in the Word and making it a priority in your life.

Provide shorter pieces of Scripture. We intentionally chose longer passages for our Write the Word journals because we believe that it’s important to see the verses in context, but smaller pieces of Scripture are a great place to start. Here’s an article with some great verses for children! You can also pull out key phrases from passages that you are studying.

Let them choose a special notebook. Turn an errand into an adventure, and let your child choose which notebook they will use to Write the Word. Having a sense of ownership will help them get excited about the process. Now’s the best time to go shopping, because back-to-school is in full swing. There’s bound to be good deals and a big selection to choose from!

Photo by Val Woerner

Provide coloring pages. Is your child too young to write? That’s okay! Incorporate coloring pages into your time together. A quick Google search of “Bible coloring pages for kids” will bring up a plethora of results, and allow your child to start familiarizing themselves with Scripture at a young age. And for when momma needs a writing break, check out our friend Lindsay Letters’ Sweeter Than Honey Coloring Book.

Keep Scripture in front of them. Whether it’s on your walls in your home or in your prayers, make talking about Scripture a priority in your home. One of my favorite and creative ways to do this for children is with temporary tattoos. Our friends at Armed with Truth created packs of temporary tattoos with verses, and my favorite is their set just for children.

Make it an activity together. We’ve all seen those Instagram posts about someone’s quiet time-fluffly blankets, warm coffee in cute Anthropologie mugs, a lit candle. But we know what you mommas are thinking. That’s just not practical for this season of life, and that’s okay! Invite your children to participate in writing the Word with you might make your quiet time a little less quiet, but nowhere in Scripture does it actually say it has to be quiet :)

We’re thrilled to be restocking all five editions of our Write the Word journals in our shop on Wednesday, August 23rd. In the meantime, download our free Cultivating Faith guide and start writing the Word today! We’ve included a selection of 10 passages for you to practice writing the Word right where you are!

Your turn: How do you cultivate faith of the little ones in your home?Teaching your children to engage with the Bible is just one (of many) ways. We’d love to hear from you in the comments!

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