What's Different in 2019 PowerSheets?

What's Different in 2019 PowerSheets?

Since launching the 2019 PowerSheets Collection last week, we've gotten so many questions about what's new in 2019 PowerSheets, and we want to tell you more! Without further adieu, we're excited to give you the full scoop on everything that's new in the 2019 PowerSheets Goal Planners this year:

COVER OPTIONS: For the first time in PowerSheets history, there are FOUR cover options for the One-Year PowerSheets, meaning you can now choose the color that matches your personality. (All the content on the inside, of course, is the same!) Need help deciding? We've got you covered with PowerSheets Color Theory! Choose what attributes you want to cultivate this year, and order the corresponding cover. You truly can't go wrong!

STICKERS: Well, technically the stickers aren't new, but we did move them to the FRONT of your PowerSheets! Why? We heard from so many friends who only just discovered the stickers in the back of the 2018 PowerSheets, so we wanted to move them front and center. We also combined our best stickers onto a single page for easier access. If you want more stickers for goal-getting, grab our 2019 Goal Setting Sticker Book, which is full of more than 1,700 stickers!


Look at those happy stickers!

THREADS: As you walk through the PowerSheets Prep Work, we're confident you'll begin to notice themes or "threads," as we call them. They might pop up on different pages, but they all point to places that are craving cultivation–spaces in your life waiting to be transformed. These threads are your goals in the making! Before diving into your Goal Action Plan Worksheets, we walk you through spotting threads, naming them, and turning them into 2019 goals!

SIMPLIFY GOAL IDEAS: This is where the magic happens! Ever wonder how you'll tackle everything you want to accomplish next year? This step is for you! After uncovering your threads, we'll walk you through taking each of your goal ideas and putting them into "buckets" of similar categories or themes. Then, you'll use your Goal Action Plan Worksheets to break each big picture goal down into smaller, SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound) goals. Not sure how to do this? That's okay! We'll walk you through it step-by-step.

MONTHLY TENDING SECTIONS: We've restructured some of the pages to better accommodate how your brain thinks–starting with a big picture and then moving into the nitty-gritty–and the flow of our pages represents that now! 

TENDING LIST: You'll see a few changes on your beloved monthly Tending List! The first? We've given you a space to write your top priority each month! Whether it's a specific goal or a reminder, you now have a space for it. We've changed the headings to say Monthly, Weekly, and Daily "Action Items" instead of "Goals." Why? Each thing you write down is a starting step, and we believe in little by little progress. Your weekly action items now have progress bars, too! 

OH HAPPY DAY BOX: We couldn't talk about what's new in 2019 PowerSheets without mentioning this!!! While it's technically not inside PowerSheets, we still think it's worth a shoutout! Our brand new, bright yellow Oh Happy Day shipping boxes house each 2019 PowerSheetsGoal Planner purchase! Why a bright yellow box? It's quite simple! Any day a woman says "yes" to stepping into the person she was made to be is indeed a happy day!

Want to see more photos and hear why we made some of these changes? Watch Lara walk you through what's different in 2019 PowerSheets! 

There's still time to grab your 2019 PowerSheets and prepare to uncover meaningful goals! Our Best Year Yet Bundle is the best deal–20% off the retail price–and it's customizable!

We want to hear from you! What's your favorite change in 2019 PowerSheets? Let us know in the comments below!

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