What is Fruitful Summer, and Why 2017 is the Year To Have One

What is Fruitful Summer, and Why 2017 is the Year To Have One

Fruitful Summer is all about cultivating meaningful relationships and doing life together. In my mind, summer marks the halfway point of the year. It’s a time to reflect on the previous season and look ahead at what’s to come. It’s about making a choice that you are going to be intentional with your time. Let’s be clear that Fruitful Summer isn’t about our shop products; it’s about something bigger. It’s about digging deep and creating connections with those around you. It’s about acknowledging that the time you’re given is limited and using those hours well. So how exactly do you make the most of your summer?

Write it down! There is power in writing things down; that’s why so many professors recommend you take handwritten notes in class instead of using a laptop. The same is true for your goals (hence PowerSheets). What do you want to accomplish this summer? Big or small, write them down! Whether you want to start exercising, cultivate friendships, become a bookworm, start a gardensimply rest, or a combination of all those things-it’s time to start brainstorming and start doing them!

Be available. Something about the summer screams community to me! A combination of longer evenings, front-porch sitting, and outdoor activities seems to make everyone linger in conversation a little longer. Time seems to slow down, so take advantage of that and make yourself available. Sit on your front porch, let your kids play in the front yard, build buffer times into your schedule so you aren’t rushing from obligation to obligation.

Go outside! Use the extra sunshine to get outside and get moving! I could write a whole blog post about how fresh air and sunshine is good for your soul, but I don’t want your sitting at your computer reading my words. Just trust me, and do it!

This is just the tip of the iceberg, friends! We’re always excited to spend time with each of you, but something about Fruitful Summer has us even more excited than normal! I learn so much from each of you every single day, and I just know you are going to be full of wonderful advice about how to cultivate relationships!

Photo by Olivia Suriano of Nancy Ray Photography

What can you expect from us as we celebrate Fruitful Summer week?

  • We’re showing up on your doorsteps! Not really, but wouldn’t that be fun? Instead, we’ll be popping in your inboxes once a day all week long with practical tips on cultivating community and resources we created especially for this week! Sign up so we can say hi!
  • Encouragement from the Cultivate community. We’ll be the first to tell you that making new friends and investing in deeper relationships takes a lot of work, so we’re ready to be your biggest cheerleader.
  • A coupon code from the Cultivate Shop. This is exclusive to our newsletter subscribers, so make sure you’re letting us say hi.
  • Lara’s free Summer Goals live class this Wednesday. We’re going to be spending an hour with each of you helping you get motivated, refresh your PowerSheets goals, and make progress on what really matters.
  • My favorite giveaway we’ve hosted to date on Lara’s blog this Wednesday!
  • Practical tips on
  • Dance parties in the office! We’ve been working extra hard on our brand new Fruitful Summer playlist, and we can’t wait to debut it!

Doesn’t that sound like so much fun? If you’re in (and we sure do hope you are!), leave a comment telling us your favorite summer memory! I’ll choose one of you at the end of this week to win a Fruitful Summer Bundle from the shop!

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