Three Reasons MTH Conference Changed the Course of my Life

Three Reasons MTH Conference Changed the Course of my Life

If we haven’t had the chance to get acquainted yet, I’m Catherine! I’m a grateful editor here at Cultivate What Matters, and I’m your cheerleader and guide for all things Making Things Happen!

Long before I ever dreamed I could work on this team, I took the leap and registered for Making Things Happen in 2016. I didn’t know anyone else who would be there, and I didn’t know what to expect, but I knew this: I wanted a more intentional, more joyful, more purposeful life. What I got was that, plus an entirely new perspective on my days, practical strategies for prioritizing, and a whole lot of peace and grace.

You’ve likely heard us talk about Making Things Happen, but maybe you aren’t quite sure what it is or if it’s for you? Well, I’m here to answer all your questions and share the three biggest reasons MTH changed the course of my life!

See that redhead? She spent two days doing a lot of hard work that continues to have a ripple effect on my life and the lives of those whom I love.

1.  The most important investment you can make in living your best life is TIME. 

If you’re wondering how you’re ever going to make the life you’ve always imagined possible when all you can do right now is rush from one to-do to the next with your hair on fire, please, please join me at MTH. The single most powerful step I took was to block off the conference dates on my calendar and say to myself, my family, and my employer: these 2-3 days are mine. At MTH we shut out the emails, the text messages, the laundry, the messes, and all the noise (we will even take your phone from you!), and we devote two full, blissfully uninterrupted days to reflecting, dreaming, and strategizing. Sometimes the most important thing you can do when you feel like you don’t have a single minute to spare is to hit pause, take a time out, and devote the time to figuring out how you’re going to create real change.

2. Beautiful things grow out of getting messy and doing the hard work first.

Around here, we know that good things grow through the dirt, but how often do you really get outside of your comfort zone? We have so many wonderful resources here at Cultivate What Matters, but there is power in getting out from behind your computer and getting your hands dirty. (It is, after all, why we created the PowerSheets!) Lara is going to ask you some challenging questions at MTH. She’s going to ask you to be honest with yourself and use your voice to banish your fears. It’s kind of like having a personal trainer pushing you to live a more purposeful life (which makes sense, since Lara was once a personal trainer!). I want you to get in the room with us where there’s nowhere to hide and believe that you can do hard things. If you’re exhausted at the end of your first day at MTH, that’s how you know you’ve put in the work to plant some good seeds.

3. Sharing stories and encouragement changes things. 

But MTH isn’t all hard work. The challenging moments outside of your comfort zone are balanced with a whole lot of community. There is power when like-minded women sit in a beautiful room with a cup of coffee and share their hearts, their struggles, and their triumphs. MTH is your opportunity to connect with these women in person, let their stories inspire you, and make life-long friends to share in the journey of cultivating what matters with you. I was so amazed at how most of the women at MTH really wanted the same things as I do at the end of the day: deep relationships, a vibrant faith, a healthy lifestyle, and a rich legacy to name a few. I can’t tell you how many practical and inspiring ideas I got from these women. Plus, MTH is not just about the two-day experience. We encourage you to exchange information and hold each other accountable, start PowerSheets groups in your city, and grow together long after you leave Chapel Hill!

It’s time! Take the leap, and join us in Chapel Hill, NC this March! We can’t wait to help you uncover your goals and start making them happen!

Our Early-Bird Rate (more than 50% off ticket price) ends on December 31st, and seats are filling up quickly! You can register here! I’m an email away and I’m ready to talk your ears off about why MTH is a good investment for you. Email me any questions you have or for more information on payment plans!

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