Ten Ways to Use PowerSheets Tending Tape

Ten Ways to Use PowerSheets Tending Tape

The Cultivate Team was thrilled to announce our newest product we debuted our 2018 PowerSheets Collection last fall: our Tending Tape! We created our Tending Tape to remind you to tend to what matters in your PowerSheets! Since it’s debut, hundreds of you have been using it for far more than your PowerSheets, and we wanted to share your creativity today by sharing ten ways to use your Tending Tape:

Mark off several days in your planner and decorate the blank spaces. Whether you’re traveling for fun or work, using your Tending Tape is a great way to mark off those events to give you a visual reminder of when you’ll be gone.

Use your Wildcard pages in your PowerSheets. One of my favorite additions in this year’s PowerSheets is our brand new Wildcard library. We created 13 pages you can print and tape into your PowerSheets blank pages to help customize your PowerSheets Goal Planner. Use your Tending Tape to tape those pages in! Not sure where to find the Wildcard pages? Check out the link on page 68 of your PowerSheets.

Share it with your children! When we asked for suggestions on Instagram of how to use Tending Tape, one of our friends shared that her kids commandeered most of her tape for their art projects, and we love knowing there are tiny hands across the country using Tending Tape for their projects!

Send some happy mail! Sending happy mail is one of the easiest ways to encourage those you love, and our Tending Tape is a great way to add some color to your cards! Plus, it saves you from having to lick the envelope (and let’s be honest, no one enjoys that part!)

Tape inspiration into your PowerSheets. Our friend Nicole printed a quote from a lady in our PowerSheets Facebook Group and taped it into her Encouraging Words section of her Goal Action Plan Pages What a great reminder that our words matter! Whether it’s encouraging words, a photo, or a list, use the Tending Tape to add inspiration to your pages.

Photo from our friend, Nicole

Wrap your gifts. One of my favorite budget-savers is purchasing brown kraft paper for all my gift-wrapping needs. It’s easy to store one roll for all occasions, and I can decorate gifts based on the occasion. I love wrapping presents using our bright Tending Tape! It adds a pop of color, while still being easy to store!

Tape Tending List somewhere visible. After working through the PowerSheets Prep Work, uncovering your goals for the year, and creating your monthly Tending List, it’s important to make sure you see those goals so you can make progress on them! Use our Tending Tape to tape your Tending List on your bulletin board, bathroom mirror, refrigerator, or anywhere you’ll check in regularly. Wherever you decide to hang it, make sure it’s a place you see every day!

Create a tab to easily access your 2018 goals. Our new color-coding system in our Goal-Setting Sticker Book is a great way to track your goal progress, but it can get tedious flipping back to your 2018 PowerSheets goals while creating your Tending List. Use the Tending Tape to create a little flag at the top of your 2018 goals for easy access!

Tape your inspiration board into your Prep Work. You worked hard to compile all your images and words into a beautiful inspiration board on Pinterest for your year, so now’s the time to print it out! Whether you tape it into your PowerSheets or on your refrigerator (or both!), put it somewhere where it will regularly encourage you to make progress on your goals!

Add some color to your Bible Journaling or Write the Word. Many of our PowerSheets users who are looking to cultivate their faith this year have been using their Tending Tape during their Bible Journaling or Write the Word time! What is Bible Journaling? It’s a creative and fresh way to engage with Scripture by writing, painting, and creating in the margins of your Bible or Write the Word Journal.

Your turn! How are you using your Tending Tape? Leave us a comment with your favorite ways to use your Tending Tape! We’d love to hear your creativity!

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