Summer Goals: Why You’re Missing Out By Not Setting Them

Summer Goals: Why You’re Missing Out By Not Setting Them

Will you sit with me while I tell you a brutal truth? You accomplish 0% of the goals you never start! You can’t make progress on something you don’t even start.

That dream job you want? You can’t be considered if you don’t even apply.

That half marathon you want to run? You can’t run 13 miles if you don’t first run one.

The marriage you want to save? It needs your attention and time.

You know all those things you’ve always wanted to do? You should go do them. Plain and simple.

I know what you’re thinking. “That’s easier said than done, Jess!” or “Easy for you to say! You work for a company that teaches goal-setting!”

But here’s the thing, friends. We (ME!) are not goal-setting experts. There are some months where it’s suddenly May 15th and our PowerSheets are blank (cough ME cough). Lara has said before that traditional goal-setting gives her the heebie jeebies, and we agree! Goals can be overwhelming when they aren’t connected to what matters. They can make life busier. What we do is different; it’s grace-filled goal-setting. Powerful goals-meaningful goals-simplify your life and help you take action. They help you live with intention and purpose instead of on accident. Good goals remind you that the little by little you put in each day add up to a flourishing life.

Our Fruitful Summer bundle is available in our shop if you want accountability in your goals!

Doesn’t that sound much better? Like something you can get behind? If so (and we sure hope so!), I have a two next steps for you. Remember, you accomplish 0% of the goals you never start!

Download our Summer Goals Printable, and start brainstorming the things you want to accomplish this summer.

Join us for Lara’s free live Summer Goals class today at noon EST. Bring that printout or your PowerSheets with you! She’s giving you her top ten tips for uncovering good goals and doing something about them. If you can’t watch live, that’s okay too! Be sure to sign up, and you’ll get access to a replay in your inbox!

That’s it! Two steps that will take two hours max.

Oh, and because I’d be a bad friend for not mentioning this, our Fruitful Summer giveaway is live on Lara’s blog! We had a blast brainstorming these products to help you have an intentional summer, and I cannot wait to package up these goodies for the lucky winner! Head to her blog to enter to win today!

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