Podcast Recommendations from Team Cultivate

Podcast Recommendations from Team Cultivate

In honor of the return of the Cultivate What Matters' podcast (yes, really!), we thought we'd round up 10 podcast recommendations from Team Cultivate. Whether you listen while prepping dinner, on a morning walk, clicking through your inbox, or pushing kids on swings, we hope you find a new suggestion here that will help you learn something new, give you a new perspective, or add a little delight to your day!

Along For the Ride | An interactive podcast created for families, this podcast helps you have more good times with your kids while riding in the car. With fun games everyone can play and some light teachable moments, these short episodes make everything from a multi-hour road trip to running errands around town more enjoyable.

Coffee and Crumbs | Hosted by Ashlee Gadd, Jill Atogwe, and Katie Blackburn, these three friends help moms feel seen, known, encouraged, and loved. Episodes range from the personal to the topical, the lightweight and fun to the deep and emotional, but they always feel like sitting in on a conversation with friends.

The Cultivate What Matters Podcast | Hey, it's us! :) Relaunching in December with weekly episodes, we're thrilled to be back in your earbuds soon! Hosted by Cultivate CEO Kristin Schmucker and Team Cultivate member Kelley Hill, these short episodes will dive into all aspects of goal setting and intentional living. We'd love to know what you'd like to talk about, so leave your suggestions below!

The Daily Grace Podcast | With over 200 episodes, 5 million downloads, and a peak rank of #1 in Apple's Religion & Spirituality category, our sister company's podcast is a great choice if you have a goal to grow your faith life. Krystal and Shelby host weekly conversations that are both accessible and theologically deep.

Friend Forward | From host and "friendship coach" Danielle Bayard Jackson comes a chance to chat about all things friendship: how to make friends, how to diversify your friendship group, how to be a good friend, and how to work through friendship challenges. We particularly love her under-ten-minute episodes where she answers a listener's friendship question!

Here's Where It Gets Interesting | Instagram favorite Sharon McMahon hosts guests to talk about government, history, law, and current events. Her sunny personality and non-partisan stance bring sanity, humanity, and delight to often contentious topics.

Human Hope | From fun discussions about everyday joy to diving into challenging topics, host Carlos Whitaker shows even the most calloused heart there's still hope in humanity. His episodes often feel like social experiments or lessons he's learning in real time that he's generously invited his listeners into.

The Lazy Genius Podcast | Kendra is a genius at helping you move your desire to live intentionally from a dream to a reality. Starting with the foundation of naming what matters (you know we love that!), she dives deep into niche topics like email, having people over to eat, connecting with friends, and figuring out what to wear.

Pantsuit Politics | Sarah and Beth prioritize curiosity over the conflict that often drives political conversations. Their twice-weekly episodes cover current events, but also dive deeper into what those events actually mean for individuals and the divided world we live in. 

The Place We Find Ourselves | Counselor Adam Young unpacks how trauma impacts the heart and mind, as well as how to navigate the path toward healing and wholeness, in monthly episodes. His interviews with guests who are moving toward restoration offer glimpses into the healing process. 

We'd love to hear: what are you listening to in your earbuds these days? What podcast do you immediately hit play on when a new episode pops into your feed? Leave a comment below!

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Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas is Cultivate What Matters' Content Strategist and Writer. With over a decade at Cultivate, Emily loves helping women uncover what matters, set good goals, and live them out with joy. Her free time is spent with her high-school-sweetheart husband and three young kiddos.

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