Our Favorite Things – June

Our Favorite Things – June

We couldn’t be more excited about officially welcoming summer this month and digging into setting mid-year goals! We’re here to celebrate the progress that’s been made, and to share a few of the things that have helped us cultivate joy, make progress on our goals, and live more purposeful days this month. We’d love for you to share what has helped you in your PowerSheets progress, too-just drop a note in the comments!
  1. Ever since Nicole introduced me to PUNJAMMIES® loungewear, I’ve been contemplating which one to add to my wish list! Each pair is made by women in India who are at the highest risk or survivors of human trafficking, and your purchase invests in job-creation and skills-training to empower even more women who are working to forge a new life for themselves and their children.
  2. Our friend Brooke introduced us to the Day Bottle last month, and it’s a brilliant way to keep track of your water intake is one of your daily PowerSheets goals! Updated: Our generous friends at Day Bottle have given us a code for 25% off your order: CultivateNOW Thanks for your generosity, Matt and team!
  3. If you’re looking for a pop of color on your Instagram feed, I recommend following my favorite new Instagram account! She created swipetorials-easy craft DIYs on Instagram using the swipe feature, and I love her creativity!
  4. Love the idea of adult color books for stress relief, but not excited about the bulkiness of carrying it around? Look no further than Nicole’s favorite new app: a coloring book for your phone!
  5. Lara has been using the News Feed eradicator as a Chrome extension for months for her Facebook account, and it wasn’t until seeing it firsthand on her computer that I realized how beneficial it is! For those of you that often get lost in scrolling on Facebook, this is the perfect extension for you!
  6. There aren’t adequate words to cover our excitement about the release of Lara’s second book, Cultivate: A Grace-Filled Guide to Growing an Intentional Life. Lara, we are so proud of you!
  7. North Carolina summers are quite humid, which makes the Cultivate team thankful for a casual office dress code. These scalloped shorts already live in Lara’s closet in white, and I’m thinking the Warm Cerise color might go on my wish list!
What “things” are helping you make progress on your goals this month? We’d love to hear so we can add them to our lists

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