My Word of the Year – Sachel Samone

My Word of the Year – Sachel Samone

We’re excited to chat with photographer and PowerSheets user, Sachel Samone, today and hear about her Word of the Year for 2016! We love what she has to say about being fearless and how’s she implementing that into her days. Let’s dive right in!

Tell us who you are and what fires you up:
Hi! My name is Sachel and I’m a Womens Beauty Portrait Photographer for genuine, confident and fearless women!
I get fired up about:

  • My marriage!
  • Helping a woman truly see herself
  • Encouraging others to discover their passions and chase them like crazy
  • Being loved on and encouraged by my husband
  • Getting closer to Jesus
  • Enriching marriages
  • Photographing women and telling their stories!

What do you value the most?
God’s grace over me, my husband, my family and friends and wisdom from other women.

If you could envision your most fulfilling year yet, what would it look like?
Obviously as a business owner, I would say my most fulfilling year would include being successful financially, but to be honest, my most fulfilling year would look like me nurturing my marriage and being the best wife I can be and give my husband all he needs.

I would also spend my days enriching the lives of other wives by pouring into them and encouraging them as they begin this challenging lifelong journey and also meeting women of all ages, inspiring and photographing them and telling their stories in a way where they can finally see just how beautiful God made them. Overall, just being used by God to impact lives, enrich marriages and bring women and wives together!!

PowerSheets_Sachel Samone Photography

What is your word for this year? 
FEARLESS. Fear has paralyzed me long enough. For too long, I was too scared to move and it caused me to miss out on so much! I was stuck on the sidelines watching everyone else playing and succeeding in the game! I reached my glass ceiling and now I’m ready to play! I know I can’t experience all the blessings God has in store for me if I stay fearful. Why? Because fear and faith can’t occupy the same space. I’m either going to have Faith in God or I’m not. It’s that simple. So now, it’s time for me to get out of my own way and step into the destiny God created me to fulfill with no hesitation and no reservation!!

How have you implemented FEARLESS into your life so far this year?
By praying more and worrying less, committing to trying at least two new things a month and introducing myself to a new business once a month!

What are you saying yes to this year?
This year, I’m saying yes to more prayer, devotion time and being courageous in business and my marriage. I’m choosing to say yes to making memories, surrounding myself with positive and purpose driven people, doing the things that make me happy and even doing some things that scare me a little bit.

And, what are you saying no to?
I’m saying no to frivolous spending on material things that I don’t need, comparing myself to others, portrait sessions and other events that don’t line up with who I am as a professional photographer and woman, negative thinking and negative people.

Where do you want to be when you’re 80?
When I’m 80, I want to be able to travel like crazy and still touch the lives of many people. I want to be able to share the wisdom I have learned from others and through life’s experiences with the generations coming behind me and inspire them to live out God’s purpose for their lives.

Thank you, Sachel! We’re looking forward to watching you be FEARLESS this year!  @sachelsamone

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