Meet the Fall 2018 MTH Encouragers!

Meet the Fall 2018 MTH Encouragers!

It’s been an exciting week in the Cultivate office as we celebrate Mid-Year Goals Prep Week, and we couldn’t think of a better time to introduce our Fall Encouragement Speakers for our Making Things Happen Conference. These ladies are eager to cheer you on (in person!) as you take the next step to uncovering what matters, making a plan, and tending to it!

Every year, in Chapel Hill, NC, women just like you from all over the world and in all seasons of life, come together for the Making Things Happen Conference to do just that: make what matters happen. Our team likes to describe Making Things Happen as doing PowerSheets in person. MTH gives you a chance to step away from the busyness and distractions of everyday life to uncover meaningful intentional goals. There’s nothing quite like it!

At Making Things Happen you’ll dig deep but, you won’t do it alone! Our founder, Lara Casey, is there to walk you through every step of the process! Eight incredible women come alongside Lara and serve as our team of Encouragement Speakers. Our Encouragers are women deeply passionate about helping you uncover what matters. They’ll share their personal stories and encourage you in break-out sessions to bravely dig deeper together.

We’re excited to introduce our Fall 2018 Encouragement Speakers and hear more of why they’re excited about Making Things Happen and what advice they have for our future attendees!

Lara Casey

Website | Instagram

What She’s Most Excited for: “Meeting YOU! Hearing your stories and watching transformations happen and light bulbs go off is a gift I don’t take for granted. I can’t wait to meet you!”

Her Encouragement for Attendees: “If you are able, stay at the Carolina Inn with other attendees and be sure to go to the fireside chats each night. That’s where you’ll build a community that will last a lifetime. You only get those two days together—make them count! And trust that everyone else is just as nervous as you are. Those nerves will fly out the window when we get started though!

Heidi Dawson


What She’s Most Excited for: “I am looking forward to sharing and listening to how others not only overcome the valleys in life and business but how to enjoy the mountaintops as well.”

Her Encouragement for Attendees: “Don’t believe everything that you think.”

Shunta Grant

Website | Instagram

What She’s Most Excited for: “I am looking forward to witnessing every woman in attendance experience the gift of taking two days out for herself to discover what matters most in her life and then do something about it!”

Her Encouragement for Attendees: “Come with no agenda other than to embrace the time spent together with honesty and an open heart and mind. It’s going to be so good!”

Gina Zeidler

Website | Instagram

What She’s Most Excited for: “Time to reflect, REVIVE and encourage each attendee and watch the transformation.”

Her Encouragement for Attendees: “Get excited. I’m so proud of you for investing in YOU! I know you might feel all sorts of upside down, but JUST WAIT!”

Maghon Taylor

Website | Instagram

What She’s Most Excited for: “I can’t wait to speak encouragement and life into each attendee at MTH this fall! I enjoy this experience year after year and I feel like everyone who is in the room is there at that exact moment for a reason.”

Her Encouragement for Attendees: “I was afraid too. I was worried about making friends, meeting people in my same industry, crying too much, my outfit — the list goes on. I never thought about any of these fears after walking through the doors. Come as you are. This is going to change your life in the best way.”

Amber Housley

Website | Instagram

What She’s Most Excited for: “I am most looking forward to having these two days to reflect and be refreshed alongside dozens of other women. It’s truly inspiring to be in a room with women who want to live an intentional life. It’s magic!”

Her Encouragement for Attendees: “Come just as you are, right where you are.”

Katelyn James

Website | Instagram

What She’s Most Excited for: “I’m looking forward to sharing and encouraging attendees with what I have walked through in my recent season. I’ve learned so much about how even the darkest seasons can produce life-giving fruit.”

Her Encouragement for Attendees: “There is no season that is too hard or too dark where transformation can’t take place. Whatever season that you’re in, it’s purposeful!”

Natascha Trapp


What She’s Most Excited for: “I’m looking forward to my first experience with the MTH Conference, making new friends, and focusing on the goals I know the Lord has called me to.”

Her one piece of encouragement for attendees: “Take the leap!”

Nancy Ray

Website | Instagram

What She’s Most Excited for: “I’m most looking forward to two days of no interruptions. No phone, no distractions, just focusing on my heart and my future. Every single time I go to MTH, it is the greatest gift to step away from life and gain perspective on my health, my relationships, my faith, and my family.”

Her Encouragement for Attendees: “You’ll get out of it what you put into it. The more vulnerable you are, the better… there is no judgment in that room! Also, wear waterproof mascara and don’t wear jeans. You’ll be more comfy, I promise!”

We are thrilled that each of our Encouragement Speakers is taking the time to join us this fall, and we can’t wait for you to learn from them!

Are you ready to take the leap and join us? Register nowNow through July 31st, you can get nearly 50% off your ticket with the early-bird rate!

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