March 2018 Goals Round-Up

March 2018 Goals Round-Up

With the start of the Month comes a blank PowerSheets Tending List, and we love seeing what goals you are focusing on in the month ahead!Spring doesn’t officially arrive for a few more weeks, but flipping the calendar to March 1st and soaking up the sunshine in the South has put a spring in my step (no pun intended)!

We intentionally created the PowerSheets Goal Planner in a way that makes it applicable for women in all seasons of life. Whether you a college graduate looking for your first job, a working professional, or a stay-at-home momma of three, intentional change will happen when you use PowerSheets. Our monthly goals round-ups give us a chance to share YOUR stories and goals! We gather blog posts each month from our Facebook community, so be sure to join if you aren’t already a member.

We hope these round-ups give you some inspiration for making progress on your own unique goals this year! Remember to keep sharing your goals with us. We love knowing what you’re working towards, and it helps us plan content that will be most beneficial to you!

Photo by Rachel

Rachel’s progress on her financial goals in February has me ready to buckle down and get to work on my own!

If you need a check-in on your goals, we recommend asking yourself the questions Emilie asks herself each month to determine if you’re spending your time in the right places: “Am I making progress on the goals I’ve set for myself? Are those goals still relevant?”

Take advantage of tools and resources to help you make progress on your goals. As Kory is working to cultivate friendships this year, she is using our Fruitful Friendships Workbook. I love how she’s breaking it down in her PowerSheets each month, and we’re extra grateful she considers ours a good resource!

Feeling discouraged when you don’t check off your daily goals? Take our friend Diana’s advice and set a goal for the number of days you want to accomplish each of your daily goals to help you manage expectations and give yourself some room for grace.

Photo by Kari

Each month Madison tapes her PowerSheets Tending List next to my bedside table with our Tending Tape so I she can track her progress., and we love that she sees her goals in the mornings and evenings.

We love seeing Kate’s March PowerSheets goals make it in her “FRIYAY” post! It’s a great reminder to include celebrations on your Tending List each month!

We’re cheering Mattie on in her March PowerSheets as she focuses on growing what is unique about her season of life instead of trying to build habits or goals based on comparison.

If you’ve posted your goals somewhere, we’d love to see them! Feel free to drop them in the comments, too-no fancy blog required! We can’t wait to take a peek and cheer you on!

Don’t have PowerSheets yet, and feeling behind? Have no fear! We’ll be restocking our Six-Month PowerSheets Goal Planner this spring. Sign up for our newsletter list to know when they’re back in stock! 

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