Let Your Good Goals Grow

Let Your Good Goals Grow

What a week it’s been kicking off our PowerSheets Prep Work alongside each of you! Together, we’ve started working on the first 33 pages of our PowerSheets, and we’ve uncovered so many good things for the year ahead. Want to peek at all we’ve done this week, here you go!

Still working on your Prep Work? That’s great! Take the time you need to focus on these pages; you won’t hear us rushing you!

There is a lot of pressure in today’s world. Whether it’s pressure put on us by others or pressure we put on ourselves, it can oftentimes feel overwhelming to get started on anything new. A fear of failure or underachievement oftentimes stops us dead in our tracks and paralyzes us from taking any action on the things that matter to us.

That’s not what this is about. Around here, we believe in grace-filled goal-setting. We believe in community and encouragement. We believe that little by little progress pays off, and good things grow in our lives over time. While others go at their goals alone, we share our goals and progress, cheering each other on and offering a lot of high fives along the way!


PowerSheets Prep Week is only the beginning! We are going to let our goals marinate for a few days, but we’re sure to share them with you in the coming weeks!

In the meantime, our team is ready to encourage and equip you to make your unique goals happen in 2018. We’re ready to help you prioritize, sift through the junk, and stop saying yes to all the things so you can say yes to the right things.

But what now? Here are a few things to keep your eyes on in the coming weeks:

Lara’s Annual Goal-Setting Series kicks off on December 20th on her blog. This is one of our favorite times of the year because Lara walks you through her personal PowerSheets Prep in a six-part series and shares her 2018 goals with you!

Follow us on social media and say hi! Share what you’re learning as you dig into your PowerSheets and use the #PowerSheets hashtag!

Stay tuned to the Cultivate blog! We have lots of great content lined up for the coming months, and we love the chance to chat with you here!

Make your 2018 vision board, and enter our Pinterest contest. We’re giving away a seat to our 2018 MTH Conference to one lucky winner. All the details here! Deadline is December 31st, so get to pinning!

The Cultivate Team shares day five of our PowerSheets Prep Work

Your turn! Leave a comment and share your favorite ah-ha moment from your PowerSheets Prep! I’ll choose one lucky commenter on Monday to win a $25 gift card to the Cultivate Shop!

Don’t forget to share your PowerSheets Prep Work with our team on Instagram! Remember, you must use the #PowerSheets hashtag and your profile must be public to be entered to win. One lucky winner will win a FREE 30-minute personal coaching call with Lara. Lara doesn’t offer individual coaching sessions (she hosts the MTH Conference every year instead), so this is an extra special giveaway. We’ll choose one winner on Monday, December 11th. There are no limits to number of entries, so share as often as you’d like! 

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