Leaving a Legacy? Introducing Write the Word for Kids!

Leaving a Legacy? Introducing Write the Word for Kids!

We’re still celebrating in the wake of our launch last week, and we are so grateful for your enthusiasm for our new (and, ahem, legacy!) products. The best compliment we could hear from you is that our products are helping you and your families cultivate what matters, right where you are.

We’re thrilled to be introducing you to each of our new products and sharing a bit of the story behind them over the next few days. Last week we introduced you to our BRAND NEW Finance Goal Guide, and today I’m giddy to introduce what I know will be a cornerstone product in the Cultivate Shop: our Write the Word Journal for Kids.

Not many people know, but prior to joining the Cultivate team, I had the privilege of serving on the kid’s ministry staff at my church. As our Kid’s Director, I had the chance to serve the families in our church by building a ministry program to introduce them to Scripture.. A constant refrain in our ministry meetings? The days with your children are numbered, and you have a unique (and limited) opportunity to begin to build a legacy that will last long after the days they pack their bags and move out of your home.

What do you want them to grow up knowing?

Whatever legacy might look like to you, we know cultivating faith in the hearts of children doesn’t produce overnight results. Instead, it takes little-by-little tending and watering of seeds of the Word… and that’s where Write the Word for Kids comes in!

Write the Word for Kids was inspired by our popular Write the Word journals, prayerfully created to help women just like you dive directly into the word of God with no fluff. Many of you have said that the Write the Word journals are unlike any other Bible journal you have ever used—and now we’ve made a version specifically for kiddos!

This is a place where your child will get a specifically-selected verse to write out (the “write the Word” part!), along with space for them doodle (or color, or paint, or go sticker-crazy!) thoughts, prayers, or anything else God places on their heart.

Write the Word for Kids is made up of thematic sections that take your child on a journey through the heart of faith, including God’s love for us, His creativity (we were created to create!), and His grace in our lives. This journal was crafted with the big picture of God’s story in mind, helping to point your little ones to places in the Bible that will help plant the seeds of faith deep in their young hearts, lasting well into their adult lives.

Ready to get started? Lara recorded a webinar with her top tips for cultivating faith in the hearts of children, and you can view it right here! The free replay is available, and be sure to tune into the comments section for lots of ideas and encouragement from our listeners, too!

Our biggest takeaway? Cultivating faith in the lives of children is like planting a seed. Planting seeds doesn’t yield overnight results. It’s putting our trust in something bigger than ourselves, and it requires optimism and faith. We can’t wait to see how our newest volume of Write the Word transforms your family quiet time and the hearts of your kiddos! 

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