How to Use the Break It Down Page Across From Your Tending List

How to Use the Break It Down Page Across From Your Tending List

While the core teachings and exercises of the PowerSheets® goal planner stay the same from year to year, our team is always tinkering around the edges: working behind-the-scenes to make this year's version the simplest and most impactful tool yet. 

The 2024 PowerSheets saw a number of fun changes, but there was one change that we, as a team, were most excited to use personally: the Break It Down page across from the Tending List.

This is a page that had plagued us in development for many years: we knew this valuable "real estate" wasn't being used to its full potential, but what could complement the mighty Tending List?! What could hold its own side-by-side? 

We think we've found it in the Break It Down page, which we imagined Cultivators using to break down the monthly goals from their Tending Lists (reflecting that these are bigger projects with smaller action steps underneath). Many of you have used it this way, and have loved it—but still more of you have wowed us by coming up with your own creative uses! 

Today, we're rounding up some of our favorites. Please add yours in the comments!

PowerSheets goal planner open to the Tending List and Break It Down page

How to Use the Break It Down Page:

There's no wrong way to use the page across from your Tending List—but here are a few ideas to get you started!

To Break Down Your Monthly Items

"Most of my monthly action items have multiple steps, so I list each monthly item and then underneath, list the actual actions to complete that monthly action item. For example, one of my monthly actions for this month is to prepare for an upcoming trip, so I have a list that includes renting a car, researching activities, packing, and notifying my daughter's school we'll be gone." Taylor

To Brainstorm and Pace Yourself

"I use it to map out what I'm thinking of putting on my Tending List. I start by listing my top three CLE areas (that I starred earlier in the Prep Work), then fill in other categories/goals for the remaining sections. Then I list action items under each category and mark each with D, W or M (Daily, Weekly, Monthly). After I've brain-dumped all I can for the month, I count up how many D, W, and M items I have. If I have more than the Tending List has space for, I prioritize what I know I want to work on most and make note of anything I couldn't fit to revisit when I set up the next month!" — Tabitha

To Track Your Reading

"I have a goal to read a certain number of books per month. I write in each title as I finish it." Sarah

As a Master To-Do List

"I use it as a master to-do list for the month. All the mundane stuff goes on the lefthand side, while my "get to do" items go on my Tending List. This way, I know I'll check in with my PowerSheets daily." Hannah

For Family Goals

"Since I have a Yearly Goal to nurture my children individually, I give each child a section and then use them as a spot to note 1:1 date ideas, upcoming milestones, clothing needs, observations, etc."  Katie

To Make Plans Week-by-Week

"I have several bigger projects with needs and deadlines that change each week, so I'll mark the sections Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, etc. and make notes under each!" — Lizzie

To Track Workouts

"I label each section with the weeks of the month and plan out my workouts in the lines, then check them off as I go. There are only six lines in each section (versus seven days of the week), but we all need a rest day, right?!" — Molly

As always, we're delighted by the creativity of this community!

We'd love to hear: how have you been using the Break It Down page across from your Tending List? Please share!

Do you have your PowerSheets® yet? If not, get yours today! 


This is so helpful! I only thought of the first use myself but I think some of the others may be better for me

Melissa Vick

One of my goals is to connect with my family more on the other side of the country. I write down each of their names and check them off as I call or text them each month.


I am such a fan of this 2024 update! I love using this page to write blog post ideas.

Ruth G

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Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas is Cultivate What Matters' Content Strategist and Writer. With over a decade at Cultivate, Emily loves helping women uncover what matters, set good goals, and live them out with joy. Her free time is spent with her high-school-sweetheart husband and three young kiddos.

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