How to Start Cultivating 2018 Goals Now

How to Start Cultivating 2018 Goals Now

If the number of posts I’m seeing on Instagram of your happy mail arriving is any indication of your excitement, I’d venture to say we have lots of eager PowerSheets users ready to dig in!

To kick off our PowerSheets Prep, we’re hosting our second annual PowerSheets Prep Week beginning December 4th. The Cultivate team will be sharing our personal PowerSheets Prep with you, providing lots of content on the blog and newsletter list, and debuting a pretty awesome giveaway, too!

Feeling a little too impatient to wait until December 4th (that’s okay; we don’t blame you!)? Here are a few easy steps to help you get started cultivating what matters, right where you are!



Get to know your PowerSheets. Flip through and get to know the pages where your goals will come to life over the next 12 months! Here are a few things to look for: the stickers, monthly Tending Lists, Quarterly Refresh Pages, and those Wildcard pages. Hint: Head to page 68 of your PowerSheets Goal Planner for a link to our Wildcard Library. You can start downloading and using those pages now!

Write your name on Page 5. That’s right! No perfect pen or handwriting required. Sometimes writing the first words in a new book or journal can be the hardest part. Our best advice? Dig in with something simple to get your momentum going: your name. Messy, authentic handwriting is encouraged!

Join the PowerSheets community. Setting good goals is essential, and having accountability to keep making progress on those goals helps you grow them well. Join our Facebook Group to connect with fellow PowerSheets users.

Come say hi, and introduce yourself to us! There are few things we love more than meeting you and following your story! Join us for Tending List Tuesday Instagram Lives every week, and find us on Instagram and Facebook.

Read Lara’s books. Both Make It Happen and Cultivate weave Lara’s personal story with questions and responses for you to begin to uncover what matters most to you and begin to grow an intentional life. Grab a journal, and get to reading!

Practice systems for your 2018 PowerSheets now. For example, if you want to start color-coding your 2018 PowerSheets goals, you can start now by using some colored pencils or highlighters that you have. Start creating those habits and rhythms now so you’re ready to hit the ground running when you fill our your January Tending List.

Get excited! The best is yet to come, friend! We have a great year ahead, and we’re already dreaming up product ideas and resources to help you continue to uncover good goals and make those happen. We’re here to be your biggest cheerleader, celebrating your victories and encouraging you through the hard times. My pom-poms are ready, and this is going to be fun!

I want to hear from you! Leave a comment and let us know: What would be helpful to see from us during #PowerSheetsPrepWeek? Certain content pieces? Webinars? Instagram stories? Tell us what would be most helpful so we can try to work that into our planning!

Don’t have your PowerSheets yet? Head over to the Cultivate Shop to grab your One-Year PowerSheets Goal Planner today! Our One-Year Goal Planner is our best value, and we’re expected to sell out before the end of the year, so don’t delay!

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Dream big, plan well, and take action! The Fresh Start Goal Planner has powerful goal-setting pages plus space for your calendar and tasks.

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