How to Pray Through a Season of Waiting

How to Pray Through a Season of Waiting

by: Emily Thomas

Since 2015, we've helped thousands of women across the world open their Bibles, dig into encouraging faith scriptures, and make time in the Word their favorite part of the day with the beloved Write the Word® Bible journals. Over ten volumes later, there's a Write the Word journal for every woman and every season of life (and for kids, too!). 

Now, with the first-of-its-kind Pray the Word journal, we hope to help you find the same encouragement and ease in your prayer life!

Cultivate What Matters Pray the Word Bible journal on a blanket with tea

Have you ever struggled with what to pray? Have you found it hard to voice what's in your heart and on your mind? Is the practice of writing your prayers new to you?

Welcome! You're in the right place, and we think you'll love the Pray the Word journal.

Cultivate What Matters Pray the Word journal with tea

For the first volume, we chose the theme of waiting. In seasons of waiting, we often find ourselves anxious for God to act. We long to see Him move in the way we want Him to. And even if we remain hopeful for a while, it's easy to become discouraged over time. When we feel as if God is keeping us waiting, we can struggle to remain hopeful in Him.

Enter: prayer. Prayer allows us to come to God and share with Him exactly what we are feeling. Prayer allows us to experience God’s nearness and the reminder that God is with us in the waiting. And prayer encourages us to meditate on God’s character and the strength He gives us to wait well.

Cultivate What Matters Pray the Word journal prompt

Each day in your Pray the Word | Season of Waiting journal, you'll find a short passage of scripture that relates to the topic of waiting, along with a prayer prompt connected to the day's verses. Guided by the prompt, you'll write out a prayer to the Lord in your own words.

As you write out your prayers, we hope you'll be reminded of what is true in your waiting. We hope you'll find it easy to get right into the Word—the ultimate place for refreshment and peace. And we hope this practice will bring you closer to God and help you live each day with hope and purpose. 

Friends, we're so excited to introduce this twist on your beloved Write the Word® journals. We hope you love the Pray the Word journals just as much, and would love to hear what theme you'd like us to release next!

SHOP NOW! Pray the Word Bible Journals are available now in the Cultivate What Matters shop now!

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Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas is Cultivate What Matters' Content Strategist and Writer. With over a decade at Cultivate, Emily loves helping women uncover what matters, set good goals, and live them out with joy. Her free time is spent with her high-school-sweetheart husband and three young kiddos.

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