The idea of a growth mindset, while very popular right now, is not a term we use often at Cultivate What Matters. In some ways, that's a shame, because so much of the psychology woven through the PowerSheets® goal planner and our other tools is growth mindset through and through! We may call it different things, or use different words to describe it, but we're still repeating the same idea: that we are all capable of upgrading our thinking and shifting our perspective in the face of challenges, making success more likely in the big picture.
Today, we're exploring how you can develop a growth mindset—and how doing so can help you achieve your goals. Let's go!
What is a growth mindset?
Growth mindset is a research-based mental-framing process, studied for decades by Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck and rooted in the idea that abilities and intelligence can be developed through effort, learning, and perseverance. A growth mindset can shift your perspective when you face challenging circumstances or struggle to succeed, reframing your thoughts to change your actions and make success more likely.
While we don’t control all the challenges we face, in life or in our goals, we can control how we respond. Persisting in the face of setbacks means we'll keep taking the small steps forward that will eventually add up to healthy habits, completed goals, and a life filled with what matters most.
How does a growth mindset differ from a fixed mindset?
When you have a growth mindset, you believe that even if you struggle with certain skills, those skills can be improved with effort and practice. People with a growth mindset view challenges and setbacks as opportunities to learn and grow.
On the other hand, when you have a fixed mindset, you believe that the intelligence and abilities you have now are essentially what you're stuck with. Effort and practice won't make much difference.
Of course, most of us could relate to both of these mindsets depending on the day! While we'll all experience moments of frustration and discouragement, cultivating a growth mindset means we'll be more likely to have an optimistic, productive response instead of a negative, defeated one when faced with a challenge.
In short...
A growth mindset makes you more likely to:
- See challenges as opportunities for growth and learning, rather than a threat to your abilities.
- Persist in the face of setbacks and view failures as valuable learning experiences.
- Embrace challenges.
- See effort as a path to mastery.
A fixed mindset makes you more likely to:
- Avoid challenges and give up easily when faced with difficulties.
- View feedback as harsh and a reflection of your inherent limitations.

How can I have a growth mindset with my goals?
Good news! If you have a set of PowerSheets, the language of growth mindset is already woven throughout your planner. "Any day can be a fresh start"? "Change is possible"? "Little by little adds up"? All growth mindset approved! Here are a few more growth mindset tips, reminders, and reframes you might find helpful in your goal-setting journey:
Embrace challenges
This is the heart of the growth mindset reframe. Instead of seeing problems or setbacks as a sign of failure, view them as opportunities for growth and learning. When something doesn't go as you thought it would or turn out as you hoped, you've just gained valuable information that you can put to work the next time around. In time, you might even find yourself moving toward challenges instead of shying away from them, knowing that growth is on the other side.
Persist in the face of setbacks
With a growth mindset, not only will you see challenges differently, but you'll face them differently, too! Instead of giving up at the first (or second, or seventh) sign of failure or difficulty, you'll pick yourself back up and try again, reflecting on what went wrong to make a better choice next time. (Reflection reaps rewards!) Over time, these setbacks you've overcome will make you stronger and more resilient, just as micro-tears physically grow a muscle.
See effort as a path to mastery
Cultivators who are parents are probably aware of a change in the "right" way to praise a child over the last few years: as parents, it's considered more helpful to praise effort, not outcome. The same is true for the grown-ups! Instead of focusing on your innate talent or how good you are at a goal at the start, remind yourself that your abilities can be developed through time and effort. This journey toward mastery —all that you learn, and all the ways you grow along the way —is its own reward.
Learn from criticism
It can be hard to take direct feedback, but those closest to you may see opportunities for improvement that you can't. Do your best to consider criticism and feedback a gift: another piece of the puzzle that can help you learn, grow, and get better, not something meant to tear you down or remind you how far you have to go.
Find inspiration in the success of others
"It's better when we grow together" is one of our core truths, and we take it to heart. When you join the Cultivate or Goal School Premium community, you get to see other goal setters up close, learning from their experiences, accomplishments, motivators, and, yes, even failures. Be inspired by those running the race alongside you! (And maybe ask them a few questions about how they've gotten to where they are!) When you have a growth mindset, it's easier to celebrate others and harder to feel threatened by them.
Upgrade your thinking
If you've filled out the PowerSheets Prep Work, you know we've devoted two whole pages to this pursuit. If you haven't, spend some time challenging your limiting beliefs! Notice the situations or thoughts that tempt you toward a fixed mindset (likely when you've made a mistake or are facing a challenge). Question your assumptions about your abilities or potential, then reframe your thoughts to align with a growth mindset perspective. It won't happen overnight, but little by little, your mindset can change. Be patient with yourself.
Growth mindset reminders:
Need a grown mindset reminder for the "encouraging words" section of your PowerSheets, or something to post up on your bathroom mirror? Here you go!
- Everything is a learning opportunity.
- It's good to take risks, even if they don't always work out.
- Any day can be a fresh start.
- I'm not giving up.
- Change is possible.
- Mistakes are part of the process.
- Little by little adds up.
- I'm learning and growing every day.
- If at first you don't succeed, it doesn't mean you don't belong.
Your turn! What's a limiting belief you've upgraded in the process of cultivating what matters? We'd love to hear!
1 comment
i didn’t get to finish reading this 📖 thanks for the encouragement ❤️🙏😇🩷💜🎶💕💕 love U.