How PowerSheets Accessories Can Help You Achieve Your Goals

How PowerSheets Accessories Can Help You Achieve Your Goals

While the accessories in the 2023 PowerSheets® Collection are excitingnew things! fun color!we hope they offer more than just a spark of excitement in the weeks leading up to launch. If you choose to bring an accessory or two home on October 12, we hope they actually help change your life. That may sound bold, but it's our goal! Here are five reasons why we think PowerSheets accessories can help you achieve your goals.

  1. They allow you to customize your goal-setting experience. A hallmark of the PowerSheets process is its flexibility. PowerSheets can be used by women in any season of life and for any type of goal. But, though we make them flexible, you may want to make them more specific! When you use the Wildcard Page Pack, you are in total control of your goal-setting journey and can create a customized experience inside your PowerSheets with pages that speak directly to your season in life. From organization and decluttering to book lists, financial check-ins, and fun lists, the Wildcard Page Pack is full of meaningful worksheets to help you make progress on your unique goals right away.
  2. They help you mark what matters. Colorful adhesive favorites like stickers and Tending Tape actually serve a serious purpose—research has suggested that the act of physically interacting with your written goals, as in writing, highlighting, circling, or placing a sticker—can help reinforce the information in your brain. Stickers help what matters stick! ;)
  3. They're functional. Accessories are like super-boosters for your planner! They help you find your page quickly, give you extra room for taking notes and breaking down goals, and help you get started
  4. They make you efficient. Keeping your goal-setting supplies organized in pouches helps you have everything you need when you need it. We know you live a full life, and pouches help the good work you do in your PowerSheets be as efficient as possible! No more scrambling for your favorite pen when you want to mark progress on your Tending List.
  5. They bring delight to the experience. Part of our mission at Cultivate is to "equip you with delightful resources." While we do believe accessories are useful, they're also purposeful simply because they're delightful. Joy is not optional around here! Bringing a spark of delight to a goal-setting process that can be challenging is more than just fun—sometimes, it's what keeps you moving forward.

We'd love to hear: what's your favorite accessory to use with your PowerSheets?

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Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas is Cultivate What Matters' Content Strategist and Writer. With over a decade at Cultivate, Emily loves helping women uncover what matters, set good goals, and live them out with joy. Her free time is spent with her high-school-sweetheart husband and three young kiddos.