Goal Action Ideas for Business Goals

Goal Action Ideas for Business Goals

We’re back today with the next edition of our Goal Guide series! We created this series to spotlight one of those topics at a time and create a bank of ideas for your Tending List! Now, when you want to make progress on your big picture goals this year, you can use our Goal Action Plan ideas for inspiration!

In doing some research for this post, I found that the average person spends approximately 90,000 hours at work during their lifetime. And we know many of you might actually be spending more than that since you’re operating your own business. Whether you’re just getting your feet wet in the entrepreneurial world or you’re a seasoned veteran, we know it’s important to maximize your time and make sure you spend it well.

This week’s topic is one I’m particularly excited about, because I know there are so many of you who own your own your own business! We compiled our best goal action ideas for business owners below, and we hope it encourages you to continue to serve your business (and team, if applicable!) well. Looking for other like-minded business owners to celebrate your progress and use as a sounding board? Head over to our Business Owners Cultivating What Matters Facebook group and introduce yourself in the comments! We’d love to meet you there!

While some of these are broad, we hope they serve as inspiration for you and your particular business. Let us know if you add any of these to your Tending Lists this month!

Monthly Goals

  • Download and fill out PowerSheets Business Owners’ Guide
  • Launch new course/offering
  • Attend two networking events
  • Rewrite copy on website
  • Set and meet income goals
  • Read one personal development book
  • Complete business course you purchased
  • Hire a business coach
  • Successfully launch email campaign
  • Purge office
  • Create and implement new system (Be specific here, and don’t forget to document the process. This will come in handy when you bring on team members later!)
  • Hire new team member
  • Attend personal development conference . Our personal favorite is the Making Things Happen Conference:)
  • Outsource one area of your business
  • Organize Dropbox documents
  • Make an investment for your business (Here are 10 things Lara invested in for our business that have paid off!)
  • Create editorial calendar
  • Learn QuickBooks and set up a system for bookkeeping
  • Create Asana account (This is a favorite in our office!)

Weekly Goals

  • Write one blog post
  • Connect with a new person
  • Reconcile finances
  • Send email newsletter
  • Plan for the week ahead (Do this on a Friday!)
  • Visit PO Box
  • Watch one module of business development course
  • Simplify or systemize an area of your business
  • Spend 30 minutes organizing and backing up files

Daily Goals

  • Inbox zero (Need some help? Our friend Nancy shares her best Email Ninja tips!)
  • Silence/Meditation
  • Breathe fresh air
  • Pray over your business
  • Post on Instagram
  • Eat lunch away from your desk
  • Engage on social media
  • Process orders
  • Clean your desk
  • Connect with team members
  • Charge your computer mouse and keyboard (This sounds silly, but there’s nothing worse than being ready to work and having a dead mouse!)

These are just a few suggestions for items to add to your PowerSheets Tending List each month to make progress on your business  goals for the year!

We’d love to hear from you: what else would you add to this list?

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