Frustrated by Your Finances? Introducing the Finance Goal Guide!

Frustrated by Your Finances? Introducing the Finance Goal Guide!

Friends, wow! We’re still celebrating in the wake of our launch earlier this week. You truly blew us away with your enthusiasm for our new (and, ahem, legacy!) products, and perhaps the most exciting thing is that your response tells us we’re meeting a need, right where you are… and that’s our deepest desire.

Over the next few days we’ll be personally introducing you to each of our new products and sharing a bit of the story behind them. It’s my pleasure to kick things off with an in-depth look at our Finance Goal Guide!

Similar to our Parents Goal Guide, Fruitful Friendships Workbook, Couples Goal Guide, and now Wellness Goal Guide, the Finance Goal Guide was designed to be used alongside your PowerSheets. Each of our guides help you dig into a specific area of your life that needs cultivating.

Through a slimmed-down and focused section of prep work, the Finance Goal Guide will help you identify the things that have been holding you back from a financial healthy mindset, help you establish a strong “why” for your financial future, and identify what financial goals you most care about achieving (and the first action steps to take for each).

My favorite part about this guide is that it requires NO financial know-how to use. With finances, one of the most frustrating things is that we often don’t even know where to start. We’ve overcome that barrier by providing action steps (bitesize, achievable goals that will add up to big change!) for eight different areas of your finances, including establishing solid financial practices, paying down debt, investing, and giving money away. Yes, you’ll still have to put in the time and effort to make those changes, but you’ll be doing so with a solid road map in place!

On a personal note, I have seen the fruit of financial literacy and financial freedom in my own life, and it’s no secret that I’m the resident Cultivate cheerleader for all things personal finance-related! I spearheaded the development of this product, and I truly believe it is going to help change the money stories of so many women, and that FIRES ME UP! If this product is winging its way toward you right now, know that I am so excited for you, and will be cheering you on from here on out!

Ready to get started? I recorded a webinar with my top five tips for cultivating your finances a few weeks ago, and you can view it right here! Shay Cochrane, my personal finance soul sister, joined me along with thousands of you, and it was a fun and impactful hour!

A favorite takeaway: so many of us resist thinking or talking about our finances, preferring instead to bury our heads in the sand. The funny thing is that the more you think about money (as in, face your situation head-on and make a proactive plan), the less you need to think about money (as in, worry about whether you have enough). Our new Finance Goal Guide is the perfect first step in managing your money with confidence, freeing you up to live and give as you’ve dreamed!

Shop the Finance Goal Guide here!

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Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas is Cultivate What Matters' Content Strategist and Writer. With over a decade at Cultivate, Emily loves helping women uncover what matters, set good goals, and live them out with joy. Her free time is spent with her high-school-sweetheart husband and three young kiddos.

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