Facebook Groups for PowerSheets Users

Facebook Groups for PowerSheets Users

One of our very best PowerSheets tips is to find a PowerSheets buddy to keep you accountable in making the little by little progress on your goals. Why? Accountability is a game-changer, and it’s so helpful to have your tribe to go to when you need advice or encouragement or when you want to celebrate accomplishing a goal!

However, we know that sometimes distance, life circumstances, or work schedules can make it harder to have face-to-face interaction on a regular basis, and that’s why we’re thrilled to offer five Facebook groups for the Cultivate family. These Facebook groups offer hundreds and thousands of women who are using PowerSheets to cultivate what matters in their own lives, and after spending time there myself, I’d bet money that they’re some of the most encouraging groups on all of Facebook!

  • PowerSheets Group: This is our main Facebook group, and it’s the hub of all things PowerSheets-related! Our team spends a few hours each week browsing all your goals and cheering you on as you make progress. I also get a lot of ideas for blog content in this group, too!
  • Moms Cultivating What Matters with PowerSheets: Anything from book recommendations for moms-to-be to creating a morning routine to finding baby socks that don’t fall off is shared here! I’m not a momma myself, yet, but these ladies seem pretty wise and you can bet I’ll be using this resource in the years to come.
  • Students Cultivating What Matters with PowerSheets: Are you a student? This group is a great place for students to encourage and inspire each other in this unique season of life! Our Customer Delight and Shop Manager Kaylee is a recent graduate herself, and she’s one of the group’s biggest cheerleaders!
  • Business Owners Cultivating What Matters With PowerSheets: One of my favorite parts of this group is watching women take dreams of businesses and begin to plant the seeds to build them. Whether you’re dreaming up a business idea and writing out a business plan or a seasoned business owner yourself, you’re sure to find extra encouragement here!
  • Cultivating Faith with PowerSheets: We know many of your goals is to cultivate your faith (and not just with our Write the Word journals). These ladies are quick to offer encouragement and practical resources to implement your faith in your life.

Click the links above to join one (or a few) of the ones that are applicable to your season of life, and request access. A member of our team will approve your request in a jiffy, and then you’re free to introduce yourself and share your PowerSheets goals and progress. I’ve learned so much from these amazing ladies, and I can’t wait for you to be equally encouraged!

We can’t wait to say hi to some new faces in these groups!

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Cultivate What Matters Podcast

Dream big, plan well, and take action! The Fresh Start Goal Planner has powerful goal-setting pages plus space for your calendar and tasks.

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Write the Word® Love is back! Shop the newly-updated journal, which includes refreshed verses and journaling prompts, along with a lovely new linen cover.