Eight Steps to Embracing Mornings

Eight Steps to Embracing Mornings

We’ve all heard the saying “the early bird gets the worm”, but my guess is the early bird likely wasn’t managing a career, planning a wedding, preparing for marriage, building community in a new city, and moving all at the same time. Which means it was likely a little bit easier for him to get up early and get that worm. 😉

Before I start, I want to be careful not to fall into the trap of thinking there isn’t enough time in the day, because it’s simply not true. There is enough time in the day, but I have to be proactive in prioritizing and making sure my time and energy aligns with the things that matter most to me. My PowerSheets goals act as a compass for me, guiding me as I determine where and with whom to devote my time and energy.

If I learned anything in this season, it’s this: When you feel like you don’t have time in your day, you have to be proactive in making time. Whether you need a few extra hours in your week to work on a side hobby or want to prioritize time for taking care of your body, the easiest place to find time is in my mornings! I’m excited to share a few tips that have worked well for me below:

  • Ask yourself why. Take a few moments to ask yourself these questions: WHY do I want to wake up earlier? Will this goal get me closer to where I want to be when I’m 80? You’ll feel much more motivated to stick to your goals when they are connected to a purpose. For me, waking up earlier gives me time to exercise and read, two of my goals for this year!
  • Set yourself up for success the night before. I once heard becoming a morning person starts in the evenings, and I couldn’t agree more. Create an evening routine to prepare you for your morning ahead. Get your clothes out (exercise or work clothes). Set the timer on the coffeepot. Pack your lunch. Most importantly, honor your bedtime (and put the phone down!) Taking the time to create a routine for the evenings will help prepare you for a fresh start each morning.
  • Sleep with your shades open. I’ve found sleeping with my curtains pulled back makes it easier for me to wake up in the mornings. If you have a significant other who likes to be in pitch black, you can find lamps that mimic the sunrise to help your body wake up naturally!
  • Make a plan. In the same way that you created an evening routine, it’s important to eliminate decision fatigue in the mornings as well. Creating a morning routine will help you know exactly how you want to spend your mornings. Whether you want to get your heart rate up by exercising or create more space for journaling or reflecting, a consistent routine will help keep you from climbing back into bed.
  • Make your bed (and stay out of it!) I’ve learned this the hard way: If you’re reading in the mornings, move yourself to a different spot other than your bed. I’m positive I’m not the only that is guilty of climbing back into her bed in the mornings. Making my bed makes it a little less appealing for snoozing after you grab your warm cup of coffee and book.
  • Create room for the things you love. Mornings will be miserable if you fill them with the all dreaded tasks on your to-do lists.  Make room for something life-giving in your mornings so you have something to look forward to. It can be as simple as lighting a favorite candle or enjoying a warm cup of fresh-brewed coffee while you read through your current book. Maybe you want more time to have breakfast with your significant other before starting your days. Resist the urge to fill the extra space with tasks, and embrace activities that bring your joy, too.
  • Address the pain points. Ask yourself why mornings are so hard, and then fix it! If it’s hard to get out of bed because it’s cold in your home, invest in a space heater or warm slippers. If you don’t enjoy showering in the morning, start showering in the evenings. Find your pain points, and eliminate them!
  • Take baby steps. We embrace growing slow, knowing that overnight results and quick fixes aren’t the way to long-lasting success. Becoming a morning person isn’t something I expect to happen overnight, and I’ve given myself lots of room for grace in my PowerSheets. Instead of adding “Wake Up at 6 am” to my daily, I chose to add a weekly goal to exercise two mornings before work to my PowerSheets Tending List, I’m taking small steps and hope to work up to that consistent 6 am wake-up time!

I’d love to hear from our early risers! What has helped you embrace the mornings? Leave your best tips, tricks, and resources in the comments below!

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