Celebrating Progress

Celebrating Progress

As Amber so wonderfully reminded us this week, we’re only six weeks into 2018! It’s okay to not have fully mastered your 2018 PowerSheets goals yet. But a half-colored-in progress bar and empty boxes don’t mean you can’t celebrate your progress thus far! Bigger isn’t always better and embracing those starting steps and little by little progress will give you the push you need to keep goal-getting!

Today, we asked some of the wonderful women who have been using PowerSheets over the past six weeks to share some of their progress with us, and we know you’ll be encouraged!


“Fitness is a major goal for me this year,  and I just couldn’t gain much momentum until late January due to a bunch of travel the first 20 days of the year. Now, I’ve got a new trainer, am consistently practicing yoga, and am on fire with the new Weight Watchers freestyle plan.I’m loving the new Fitness Wildcard page!  -Kristin T.

“We have enough savings now to start the process of buying a house! This is, at least in part, due to our goals that I have put into my PowerSheets every month – savings goals and spending restrictions. PowerSheets also helped me to look at the bigger picture of why we want to own a home–for us, so we can foster full-time. The process is going to take a while for us because we are going through a first-time homebuyer program, so includes things like taking classes and getting pre-approved for loans before we even start looking. So while we are still working on the larger goal of actually buying a house, the first step is done!” -Sarah K.

“I became a Christian in December and soon after I started a daily Bible reading plan, and I added it to my PowerSheets goals. Yesterday I reached DAY 50! I wanted to share this and celebrate! I’m struggling with some of my other goals, but I’m using this progress to remind me to stay positive :)” – Abigail R.

“Using my PowerSheets, I’ve started and maintained a meaningful morning routine. I’ve joined a gym for the first time in my life in order to simply walk on a treadmill for 20 minutes a visit. I’ve saved 1/2 of the money I need for a trip to CA next month to see my mom and sister I’ve mailed each family member with a birthday a book from Amazon (this is the year of giving books as presents!) I’ve started a Book Club I’ve decluttered my nightstand and my clothes. I’ve made so much progress!” – Aimee K

“We’ve paid off $10,000 in debt since starting our debt payoff process on January 22nd. Since that time, we’ve also increased our end of month cash flow by $800. To celebrate, we went out to eat for the first time in 2 months! It was worth the delayed gratification. I’m on day 85 of my chronological Bible plan, reading the Bible through in a year. To top it all off, I got paid for my writing for the first time in my whole life and had been dreaming of that since I was a teenager. – Nicole C.

“One of my big hairy PowerSheets goals for 2018 is to connect with the hearts of my boys. One way I am doing this by spending 1:1 time with them at bedtime. It’s one of my daily goals on my Tending List. Have I done it every night since Jan 1? Nope. But I have done it way more frequently than if it were not on my Tending List. I also have lovely check marks next to my weekly tending list item of finding good books to share with my boys.” – Melissa Q.

“I set a PowerSheets goal to read two books a month, and I’m already on book #7!” -Megan B.

“The thrill of checking off ‘don’t spend any money’ almost every day on my tending list has given such a psychological addiction to sticking to my goals! Thanks to my PowerSheets Tending List, I am 60% of the way to my goal of “Pay $10,000 toward my student loan debt beyond monthly payments.” The accountability of this little book has thrown my desire to make what matters happen into overdrive. I truly believe that without this community of amazing and uplifting women, I would not be anywhere near as far or could have dropped off the wagon. This community, these resources and the guidance of a tribe of women has enriched my life beyond imagination. I tell anyone who is willing to sit still long enough to listen about how amazing this goal setting process is!” – Kady C.

Wasn’t that fun? Hearing those stories makes me want to flip open the pages of my PowerSheets right now and get to work on my goals! As we wrap up Cultivate What Matters Week, we want to hear from you, too!

Leave a comment, and share some of your PowerSheets goal progress below! We’re ready to be one of your biggest cheerleaders as you make little-by-little progress on those good goals!

Use the code LETSCULTIVATE for 25% off your entire shop order this week! Stock up on stickers, one of our companion goal guidesLara’s books, or our best-selling Write the Word journals!

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