August Goals Round-Up

August Goals Round-Up

Happy August, friends! Many of you might be heading into a season of change this month as kids and students head back to school.

It can feel daunting to pick up your PowerSheets and get started in the midst of embracing change in your life. This time last year, I would have been heading back to school, and now I am managing a move into a new apartment. I have caught myself thinking so many times, “how do I possibly have the time to make progress on my goals for the month, let alone sit down and set them.” We’ve all been there, right?

But, PowerSheets aren’t about trying to fit it all in and then make progress on your goals on top of that. Sitting down to do your PowerSheets prep for the month allows you to re-align and prioritize based on what you would like to grow more of in your life. You can then be well prepared for the change ahead!

This month’s August Goals Round Up is about embracing change and being prepared to weather the change ahead by getting back to what matters.

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I always love seeing Amber’s colorful PowerSheets Tending List! 

Feel like you still need to make more progress on your July goals? Amanda chose to continue her goal of reassessing her budget/debt pay off plan from July to August. Reevaluating what needs more progress from last month helps you to identify what you can focus on in the month ahead.

If you’re like Amanda and want to pay off debt this year, read Emily’s post on how to pay off debt!

Rachel’s color-coded Tending List makes my heart happy! It’s a great way to visually see where you are spending your time for the month!


Madeline’s use of stickers is totally appropriate this month – Happy Birthday month, Madeline!

I love Jennifer’s advice for those who may struggle with goal setting. She suggests meeting regularly with a friend, family member, or spouse to discuss what your priorities are for the month ahead. It is, after all, our best PowerSheets tip!

Karyn’s plan to keep track of her progress this month involves checking in every #TendingListTuesday! I’ll be doing the same since it can be hard to remember to check in every day.

Remember, keep sharing your goals with us each month so that we can cheer you on! Whether you’re posting in our PowerSheets Facebook Group, leaving us a comment on social media, sharing your progress with #TendingListTuesday, or using the #PowerSheets hashtag, we love seeing what you are working towards each month!

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