April PowerSheets PrepCast

April PowerSheets PrepCast

It's a very topsy turvy time that we find ourselves in right now—isn't it? 

Maybe you're feeling some of these things:
—I need some fresh encouragement and hope for my goal-setting.
—My goals need a little refresh!
—I need to check back in on my goals—not all of them make sense for this season anymore! 
—I need help reminding myself that my little steps do add up. 
—I get distracted easily and need a reminder of what to say "yes" and "no" to—especially in this new season. 
—I love my PowerSheets® and I really want to make the most of them!

If you relate to any of these statements, you're going to love spending time with Lara during the PowerSheets PrepCast for April. 


The PowerSheets® PrepCast is your new favorite way to complete your monthly prep pages! Join Lara to walk through your month page-by-page in about 20 minutes. Easy and enjoyable, with accountability, encouragement, and a musical soundtrack to boot! 

Helpful timestamps:

  • 1:15 - Flip to page 87 for your Spring Goal Refresh!
  • 1:30 - Identify where there's a little too much clutter in your life.
  •  4:40 - Do a life check-in. What areas of life do you need to nurture a bit more these next 90 days? 
  • 8:30 - Flip over to pages 90-91 and have some fun! You can write out completely new goals if needed. Or, re-write the goals that are working well for you with fresh words. 
  • 14:00 - Let's put actions to your goals! Turn to page 93.
  • 14:40 - Choose to dig in! Simplify and prioritize your April goal ideas and decide what to focus on in the month ahead. 
  • 15:35 - Sort through and narrow your goal ideas even more. Decide what to put on your April Tending List and start each line with a verb! Remember, it's all about progress—not perfection. 
  • 21:40 - You did it! You can see clearly where you want to spend your time (and where you don't!) in April.
  • 22:00 - Take it to the next level. Wrap up with a few Tending List tips to make this your best month!  

Key takeaways for your April Prep Pages: 

  • Put your Tending List somewhere you'll actually see it! Did you know your Tending List is perforated? You can pull it out and put it on your refrigerator or leave them open on your desk!
  • Plan on it! Put the items on your Tending List on your daily planner. Put things anywhere and everyone that you'll see them.
  • Clarity is the best gift. Write out what's on your mind and clear your mental clutter. Give your thoughts a place on paper where you can do something about them! 
  • Take the pressure off! The relieving thing about the PowerSheets process? We focus on progress, not perfection. Over time, your little by little progress will add up. 
  • Learn how to put your Tending List on auto-pilot. Put recurring reminders on your calendar to check in on your progress each week! 
  • Pro-tip: Start each line on your Tending List with a verb and be okay with a little white space on your list!

There you have it! You are ready to have a great April! We can't wait to see you back here for another PrepCast around April 25 to coach you through your May PowerSheets. Until then, get out there and cultivate what matters!

P.S. Make the most of your time right now. If you don't have your Six-Month PowerSheets yet, now is a great time to start. We recommend the Starter Bundle to help you live out what matters in this season! 

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